Remember to "Have FUN!"

Jul 02, 2007 16:02

So often once we get into this crazy thing called triathlon, we are consumed by numbers and times and cadence and miles and nutrition that we forget why we started to do this in the first place: Have fun!

My son did his first open water swim tri this weekend and didn't want to focus on anything but the swim (caveat: he IS very competitive but has focussed on duathlons) so he decided to add a ..erm.. different dimension to his race. He became Mr. Suit Guy.

In T1, having just had his "shower", he shaved (via the mirror on his handlebars) then dressed for work. Donned suit (yes jacket AND pants)'n' tie and jumped on his trusty DynaGlide bicycle(aka Pee Wee Herman bike!) for a 20k spin. In T2, he grabbed his coffee cup, filled up at the water station and headed out. He got a roaring ovation at the finish line!

FYI - he came third in his age category and 15th overall. ;)
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