Suikoden Progression

Apr 18, 2009 01:15

Got two parts, will see if I can mince them into one big post.

After reviving the Hydra as a vampiric beast, they decide to return to the Yggdrasil, planning on using the Hydras large form to break the burnt wood. On the way, Xander with his keen eyesight, noticed a flying form go from the north, and land atop the Yggdrasil, being fearful and cautious, he remains behind as the others approach. The Hydra has little trouble breaking through the dead wood, and the group(sans Xander) climbs the ladder on the inside of the tree(3 to be exact) leaving the Hydra below.

Climbing up quietly, and carefully, they reach the top and see the large dragon beast, its back turned to them, rather then risk battling it, they sneak back down, Xander, about to unleash the power of his Star Rune, is halted, when the group sends Camille to keep him from it. After a quick run down of the plan, they enact it.

It began, with Camille running up the ladder as fast as possible, and taking Rhoadins vempiric cat, the cat lept from her arms and attacked the dragon, garnering its attention, seeing Camille, go down the center of the tree, it tore through the damaged wood and went down the hollowed center of the tree. As soon as they saw the beast half way down, Xander unleashed his comet attack, destroying the tree, and leaving the dragon amidst a pile of wood, the group seeing this opportunity, all use their attacks quickly, Oniryu unleashing the full force of his fire rune, and then another meteor striking the undead beast, soon followed by the dragon runes own powers(dragons embrace, dragon swirls around enemies and squeezes them together, level 2 spell, I created) bringing the fire, comets and dragon altogether in a massave damage attack, the beast was slain quickly.

From the intense heat and pressure by both runes, a sparkling sapling sprouted from the beasts dead form, and from that sapling began the beginings of a new hope for the elves. Azure, using her water rune, watered the tree, time and time again, until her power was exhausted, the tree grew and grew, faster, and bigger, going from a sparkling sapling, to a full crystalline tree, the tree seeking a new 'soul bond' to share itself with, asked the three, who would step forward(Rhoadin, Camille, and Xander) Rhoadin declined and Camille was too young for such a burden, so, it fell upon Xander to be the Trees soulbond.

After spending the evening resting inside the elven Yggdrasil, the party left, with a small gift from the tree, emerald arrowheads for Azure, and leaving the Hydra to guard the tree, should any harm come to it. They moved southward still, seeking information, and eventually, came to be at Gregminster, Oniryu, unable to control his appearance, looked a wild sort, and decided to stay outside of the city, with patches of fur here and there, and oddly glowing eyes, he didn't think it wise to go into civilization, Camille feeling sorry for the man, stayed behind with him as well.

Their trip wasn't entirely uneventful, as they got further south, a shadow loomed overhead, and a great winged dragon landed before them, and a man in black robes climbed from its back, grey stuble over his chin, and a black hood covering most of his face, a staff in his right hand, he introduced himself as the great mage Mazus, and demanded recompnse for the death of his undead dragon, which had been slain by the group, they apologized, and offered their destroyed town of Warmhaven, and a favor to yet be named later. When the man pulled the cowl of his robe back, the rune atop his forehead was one they'd never seen before, but was in truth, the Soul Eater Rune. He departed upon his undead abomination, for his new home. The party, was shaken by his appearance, but, continued on.

Azure, Xander, Rhoadin and Gregory finally enter Gregminster, after some exploration, a few runes being attacked(Gregorys, specificily) and meeting a few new faces, Namely, Jeane the Rune Master, who asked to tag along with Rhoadin, who, unable to resist her allure, agreed, and then asking another blacksmith, named Jonas, a large bear kobold to teach Oniryu what he knew, the group went to the tavern, Rhoadin lied to Jeane, saying his companions hadn't arrived, and asked her to remain in Gregminster, until such a time he was able to return, for an elf, attraction was rare, such an unparalleled attraction to a human, bothered the elf immensely, he soon went to find Jonas and departed the town, heading out to find Oniryu.

Xander, seeking kinship from his fellow elves, went around the town, looking for any who might know of his crest around his neck, not even getting a second look from most elves, he was disenheartened, feeling the hateful sting of prejudice, he left Gregminster with Azure in poor spirits.

Finding Oniryu and Camille eating a fresh catch, Oniryu having a wild eyed look as he ate, the others felt, uncomfortable, but, refused to turn their back on their companion. Jonas talked with the young man, and after being asked, by Oniryu to travel with them, and to teach him all he knew, the large bear agreed. The party, now a full group, Xander, Azure, Rhoadin, Oniryu, Gregory, Jonas, and Camille, decided to travel south, thinking a boat to Harmonia would be the best plan at this time.

Travelling south, finding little resistance as they went, they soon arrived at the Port town of 'High Port'(yes, I know, very creative, lol) They sought to speak to the council of the town, after the group met, they told them of what they had seen, war to the north, relations between Harmonia and Gregminster growing ever more complex, the swath of destruction towards Muse, they blamed the man Jasreich for these crimes, saying he burnt the Yggdrasil, and enslaved the elves who lived amongst its branches, the Wharfmaster's eyes widened in surprise, as the other council members spoke of rumors of a slave trade, but no hard evidence had been found, until now.

Feeling they had gained a new ally, in the town of High Port, they sought others, whilst Rhoadin explored different areas of the town, he encountered a young elven woman named Aeria, she was a map maker, and spent all of her time travelling around the world, hoping to see every corner of it, seeing Rhoadin as a traveller, she offered her services to him, and he happily accepted, she offered the locations of two previously unknown Yggdrasils to him, which he eagerly put onto his map he'd been working on himself, she gave him one of her own, which was substantially more up to date.

After getting a room to stay, Rhoadin snuck out to the harbor and sought a boat, finding a Boat Captain offering to take them to Harmonia, he agreed to the sum of 2,000 Potch for the ship ride, and returned to his own room. Meanwhile Xander went to the general store and asked the owner about making accessories, the shop keep wasn't too adept, but couldn't refuse the offer of 1,500 potch, if he could fashion a ring, the keep accepted, eagerly, as the sum was 3 times what he normally charged, and he went right to work, putting his all into the crafting of this ring.

When they party awoke, Xander went straight to the General store, and picked up his ring, he was surprised, for it was greater then even he could have hoped for, twin dragons weaved around a band, their heads coming to rest on either side of a large set Sapphire, which, beneath the stone, was the etching of a dragon, into the metal itself, the crystal undamaged.

After discussing their plans, they decide exploring the Yggdrasil to the west would be a better idea, then taking the boat to the northwest, and around to Harmonia.

So, south they travelled first, garnering enough supplies, to not need to stop in the Kooluk port town of Graska, unfortunately, along the way, they encountered a formidable beast, a Kraken from the depths of the ocean, Xander, in his haste called down the thunder gods hammer, and not only defeated the foe, but, damaged the boat beyond repair, washing up on shore nearby the party sough whatever food, supplies and shelter they could find, though, it would be in vain.

Soon after their arrival, a metal boat arose from the depths, and questioned them, seeing them as merely unfortunate travellers, the Vice Admiral offered to take them to the edge of Kooluk territory, he asked where they were from, upon mentioning they were from Warmhaven, he smiled warmly, and asked of his son, Tobias. The party, unable to share their worries, simply told the captain his son was fine, living a comfortable life in Warmhaven.

Satisfied now, that the group was not a threat to Kooluk, or its holdings, allowed them passage, with the knowledge that tensions of Kooluk and Gregminster were also strained as of late, setting them loose upon the far shore of the Toran river, the boat went back on its way, disappearing beneath the waves.

Now armed with more intel and a updated map of the area(thanks to Aeria) they continued northwest, along the shoreline, but, had the unfortunate luck of encountering a armed group of men, clad in skull plate armor and skull twin daggers, they group had a rough time dispatching the foes.

Amidst the choas, Rhoadin using his Blue Moon Rune, brought one foe to deaths door, and shared with him, the vampiric gift. Realizing their group was far too large now, and would easily attract attention, the team sent Camille and Jonas back to the floating school, The warriors name, was Robert, and he was a new recruit, on patrol. Told the group of his order, the kinghts of the skull, how they hunted the undead and were holed up in a castle to the north, looking to cleanse the badlands of all the undead roaming about. After avoiding all the patrols, the group finally made it to the Yggdrasil to the northwest.

Approaching the door, all but Rhoadin, and Aeria were turned away, not even Kobolds were welcome amongst the trees branches, Xander, seeking answers, gave his crest to Rhoadin, asking him, if he could find any information, to please share it. The group stayed a safe distance from the tree, and waited.

Rhoadin, told the elves his tale, the death of an Yggdrasil, such news was sorrowful, and he only had the heart to tell the story once, and asked that he speak to teh leader of the tree, the largest building was used, and the triumverate was assembled, an elderly woman, and two younger elves. Rhoadin told them of his journeys so far, from his exile, to his new found friends, the floating sindar school, the return to his home yggdrasil, and the destruction of it, also, the rebirth of the tree. Then, told them of Jasreich, his crimes against elven kind, against life itself, the elves were roused, and after all that, he offered the arrow which took the life of his beloved, none recognized it, save himself, but it was a odd familiarity still. Then, he brought the crest before them, and the elderly elf's face went white, she asked where it had come from, he said it was the heirloom of his companion.

'My Xander, he...he's here?' She stood and yelled to her fastest runner, and sent him to get the group. The group, humans included, came up the tree, and were brought before the elven leader, she smiled and recognized the young half elf 'You look so much like your father' she whispered to him, that night was a great celebration, for they soon come to realize that Xander was not only the son of their leader, but his mother was the soul bond of the Yggdrasil, and bestowed upon him a gift, signifying his rank as a soul bonded as well, a small gem in the center of his throat, despite his being a half elf, such an adornment was the mark of an elder, and any elf, would show him respect now.

Xander, finally having a family, was loathe to leave it, but couldn't leave his own Yggdrasil to whatever fate might have had instore, as the trees fate, was his own. His mother offered one last thing to him, the name of his father. 'Your father, was a dragoon, named Futch, he took you from my tree, to spare my name the shame, of a half elf son, I didn't care, but, Futch, wouldn't bear any dishonor upon me, and...he left, with you cradled in his arms, upon the back of his dragon, Bright.'

Gifts were shared, elven armors, elven weapons, bestowed upon the party, even the adoration of females(which Rhoadin accepted graciously, in the private chambers of his room), Xanders mother, refusing to let her sons Yggdrasil have empty branches, sent her strongest 75 elves to live. Rhoadin, deciding to send his skull knight back to the fortress, with a story of mourning his lost fellows, and, to discretely capture the stronghold, and turn vampires of the best and brightest there.

Taking their leave, and heading northward still, seeking to go to Crom, and find a boat leading to the north eastern town of Tinto, they travelled. As luck would have it, a young woman suddenly appeared before them, looking dazed, and confused, asking why the prince had disappeared, and where she was, leary at first, the group warmed to her, when she told them of her teleportation abilities, thinking it best to take her along, they travelled onward. Soon encountering a incredable beast, made of crystal, the team working in conjunction, managed to destroy it, Oniryu, finally realizing his runes full potential returned to normal, and, it was at this time, he realized he could change his form to look like any kobold he wanted, a trait he might find useful some day.

Encountering a wholly crystal foe, the group put together a powerful combianation of attacks and finally destroyed their foe, turning it to dust and gathering said dust, to use for various reasons.

As the day progressed, the battles continued, easily enough, at least, until they encountered a solid stone golem like opponent. Each warrior doing their very best to attack, Gregory even rushing forward to attack, and steal what he could. Finally, Viki got her opportunity, and seeing it as a great idea, to use all the power she had, activated her runes full power 'GO!'

Xander, Azure and Oniryu lost sight of the others, and found themselves in a inky blackness, Gregory, attacked the beast, Rhoadin's attack didn't manage to damage the foe, but finally, Viki's staff, brought down upon the foes head, defeated it. Azure using the hand mirror given to her, teleported back to the Viki's side, and it took the whole party, to keep Xander from turning her into a pile of dust with his rune, they decide that getting back home, and getting rid of Viki as soon as possible, a good idea. For their trouble, Gregory gave the prize he'd stolen, and the item the rock beast dropped, to Azure and Xander, a Flowing, and Thunder rune, respectively.

The group soon arrives in Crom, a small mining town, talk of a undead infestation in the nearby Tinto mines causes concern amongst the residents there, and the group learns that the only way to Tinto, is through the mines. Taking a night to rest, and speak to the denizens, Rhoadin tells the elven populace of the new Yggdrasil, and Xander offers them a place amongst its leaves, they decline, until Oniryu speaks up 'Its time for the elven race to spread its branches, like the Yggdrasil itself' moved by his words, the two elves gain trust in the man, as do the elves of which he spoke to, who promise to spread the word and tell all elves they meet, of the new emerald Yggdrasil. In the evening hours, Rhoadin comes to Oniryu's room, and askes him to help him make something, with Oniryu's ability with blacksmithing, fashioning a necklace, should be easy enough, he takes some scrap metal and makes a choker, Rhoadin watches him curiously. Before taking the choker, just as Rhoadin is about to leave, Oniryu asks for the remains of the elemental rock monster they'd faced before, and takes 5 of them(1 of each) and goes back to the workshop he'd rented for the evening, at daybreak he finally finds Rhoadin, finishing his own touches, and offers a ring, made of the melted rock to Rhoadin, unsure of its purpose, but, knowing he had the itch to create something, he gave the fruits of his labor, to the elf, before going to bed, finally.

In the afternoon, when Oniryu finally awoke, Rhoadin waited till Oniryu was at his side, and finally gave the choker to Xander, telling him he could use it, to cover the crystal, should he want to keep it hidden that he was an elder, the affinity of all increased, so much so, that Azure and Xander gained a Unity attack, as did Xander, and Rhoadin.

Readying themselves, they began their journey, encountering dozens of foes along their way, but with the aid of Xander, Azure and Rhoadins runes, they easily defeated all in their way. Searching the remains of the departed foes, Rhoadin found a rune of which he didn't recognize with his rune knowledge. But, in truth, it was the True Rune of Abyss, the very core of darkness itself.

Arriving in Tinto as the sun disappeared behind the horizon, the group sought shelter at the inn, and went to sleep, eager to return home.
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