Guys, Legion...
Sucked. Ugh, seriously. Overdone, badly plotted, badly written, badly acted, wanna-be prequel to a movie that doesn't exist, and I hope never does. Although Michael freaking kicked ass. I loved him. I was almost sad when he died, the just rolled my eyes when he reappeared (hello, bizarre plot device), and Gabriel was really... well, I definitely wouldn't say *good*, but he was a speck of interesting material in an otherwise hopeless patina of Fail. He and Michael were totally fucking each other, homg. Who agrees with me, may I see hands, please??? Just before that big fight scene, the only reason they didn't make out was because North American audiences are comprised almost entirely of whiny, sexually-terrified young men. Oh, and the old lady was WTFSCARY. O.MG.F.G.
Also, the whole thing made me think of SPN. Well, the first ten minutes with Michael, anyway. I kept seeing long flowy coat and pursed lips and badassery and thinking, "Wah, I miss Cas!!! :( :( :( "
"In fact, I bitched that famously fun-loving bachelors Jensen and his hunky Supernatural costar Jared Padalecki would sooner marry each other than actually follow through with marrying their fiancées." I hope SO BADLY that Danneel does not actually type like that, with the 1's and things. >_>