Since I've had balls-all for internet for so long, I've been listening to SO MUCH podfic, it's just not even funny. Well, some of it's funny. And it's been keeping my brain alive these past couple weeks, so I thought I'd share the love.
Places to Find Podfic:
Motel Wincest - Wonderful comm; all wincest/J2.
Electronic Voice Phenomena - a community that (on a monthly basis, I believe) compiled various genres of SPN podfic into a podcast. As far as I know, the comm is now inactive.
iSlash - this comm is multi-fandom, but there are quite a lot of SPN fics.
Audiofic - the Archive to End All Archives. About 95% of all recorded fics are archived on this exhaustive, idiot-proof, hugely multi-fandom site. For individual recs, when possible, I will be linking here.
Reader Recs:
(The readers that I personally adore above all others; links lead to the audiofic profiles, as I'm not sure whether all these readers have LJ.
IMHO, the really good readers are those who read like they're not reading. Repeating words off your browser is not good reading; those who can read like they're having a conversation with the listener are what really sell it for me. I know there are tonnes I'm missing, but it's hard to sort through my massive itunes collection!)
sadcypress - her reading is amazing; her comedic timing brilliant, her inflections and voices perfect, and the fics she chooses are usually
either hilarious, or very thought provoking.
juice817 - she has done SO. MANY. good fics, I can't even. She reads long ones, short ones, J2 AU, J2, wincest... Everything. And she does it *well*. She doesn't read like she's repeating stuff off a page, more like the words just spring into her head complete with accents, emotion, and background, and the fact that the stories are written down is purely incidental.
candle beck - this dude is amazing. I don't want to use too many personal pronouns, because I'm not *positive* that it's a guy, mostly because there are so few dudes in the wincest fandom, so I'm still in awed denial (I'm sorry, man, if you're reading this and being offended), but he (?!) reads all his own work, and it comes across so heartwrenchingly beautiful, it's just. Guh.
pennyplainknits - a lot of different work, British accent, very clear and organic.
dodificus - I suppose her voice might take some getting used to, because she sounds kind of like a ten year old British girl, but her reading is hilariously dry and always vastly entertaining.
raitala - (again, take the personal pronouns with a grain of salt, because I'm just not *positive*) she (?) has specifically requested that her work not be archived, so the link is to her personal journal. Reads in the Harry Potter fandom, predominately Harry/Draco (My HP OTP), and does so AMAZINGLY. I have never, ever, ever heard Draco done so motherfucking well. It just slays me.
fayjay - reads mostly Dean/Cas, but some wincest thrown in there, too. Totally amazing.
Best. Podfics. Ever.:
(Ones I've listened to so many freaking times, I can recite vast sections, verbatim, unbidden, and unappreciated. I'm linking to the audiobook versions, when possible- which have the bonuses of a) not showing up on shuffle, and b) saving your spot if you want to listen to something else for a while- but there are usually mp3 versions available.)
When You Care Enough to Hit Send - read by juice817, written by
chash J2 AU Jared goes to check out potential colleges, and ends up blowing Jensen, Cool Older Guy. College 'Verse.
When You Care Enough to Hit Send (Tom/Mike Interludes) - read by pennyplainknits, written by
chashExactly what it sounds like.
Arguing on the Internet is Like... - read by juice817, written by
chashJ2 (present day a couple years ago). Jensen is a little peeved that, even though Jared's the one constantly pawing him, everyone thinks Jensen is the gay one. So he comes up with this brilliant plan...
Common Knowledge - read by juice817, written by
elucrehJ2. In which Jared gets a crash course on being a fangirl.
Counting the Steps to the Door of Your Heart - read by pennyplainknits, written by
annellaJ2 AU. Jensen is a big gay geek. Jared is amazingly hot. They bond over SG1 boxxets.
Food Porn - read by fayjay, written by
unreckless J2 AU. Jensen is a chef. Jared is his food-blogging roommate. This is an awesomely long fic, filled with great secondary characters, and Chad.
Green and Gamboge - read by teaatsix, written by
sevenfistsWincest. Oh. My. God. Soooo funny. So funny that I made my brother listen to it with me over and over (skipping the porn parts, because with my little brother? Yeah, no), and now we quote it to each other constantly. In this one, a bunch of adorable little fuzzy gremlins attach themselves to Dean, and cause hella trouble.
I Can Has Cheezburger? - read by teaatsix, written by
hansbekhartWincest. Dean gets a vegetarian curse. For reals. And dreams of terrifying rabbits. Urination-inducingly funny.
In the Place Where it Counts - read by someblazingstar, written by
lazydazeWincest. Holy *fuck* this is one smoking hot PWP. Like, wowwwwwww.
The Incestuous Courtship of the Antichrist's Bride - read by fayjay, weitten by
fleshflutter Wincest. Antichrist!Sam, BelovedConsort!Dean. Long, plotty, so well written and well read, it blows my socks right off. Not depressing at all, just funny and smart.
Leader of the Pack - read by juice817, written by
astolat Wincest. Sam devises a plan by which to save Dean from Hell. It has an unanticipated side-effect. Totally not angsty, just awesome.
Life is a Banquet (and Most Poor Suckers are Starving to Death) - read by sadcypress, written by
chaobell Wincest. Sam and Dean get cursed with a hunger spell. Things progress from there, because yanno, there are only so many ways you can eat a corndog without making your brother pop wood.
No One Loves Me (Not Like You Do) - read by ifyouweremine, written by fleshflutter
Wincest. Dean/Multiple Sams. Oh dear sweet Jesus, SOOOO hot. PWP.
A Rose (In Another Man's Garden); The Edible Man - read by sadcypress, written by
memphis86Wincest. Sam is cursed to believe he's turning into a plant. No. Really. Has one of the most quirky, adorable characterizations of Dean I've ever read.
Stopped at the Crossroads - read by juice817, written by dark_reaction
Wincest. Kinda AU, but actually not... Um. It's really good. Just bear with the confusing AU part until it makes sense. You won't be sorry.
Things I Learned My Freshman Year of College - read by celtic_cookie, written by ashley
J2 AU. Absolutely the best, most epic college 'verse AU evaaar.
How I Spent My Summer Vacation
Tissue of Silver - read by fayjay, written by fearless diva
Harry/Draco. Loooong, amazing HP fic. Can't say enough good things.
Unequivocal Sex Invite - read by dodificus, written by miss begonia
J2 AU. In which Jensen is the ditziest, prettiest, snarkiest gay boy ever, and Jared is his unwashed, Radiohead-listening, flannel-wearing stepbrother. I have listened to this fic so many fucking times, it's shameful. Probably my fave podfic of all time. Tom and Mike and Chad are all so blisteringly perfect, and Jensen's such a space cadet, it's just amazing.
Your Brains are No Match for My Tractorbeam - read by juice817, written by chash
J2 AU. Jensen is a severely socially introverted geeky genius. Jared, his gorgous next-door neighbour, might just find that a little bit hot. Maybe?