Aug 01, 2013 10:46
it's telling that the last post was about being behind, and yet i still havent done the things that i needed to do...could just repost it. sad that the situation is still the same; i've just gotten up and gone to work a hundred more times. garg. let me depress everyone.
Apr 07, 2013 15:52
i realize a central component of my history of going after degrees and talents is the central need i for being well regarded, by people i care for and respect. its not enough to be well regarded by those i cant respect, nor is it enough to regard others who dont care, either. tit for tat. this was an important insight.
Nov 12, 2012 20:02
I slowed down my posting to lj, because i didnt trust the russians. However i must admit, i trust facebook much less. Gah.
Feb 12, 2012 14:25
sheez i havent been here in so long, that it was difficult to even find the link where i can read friends notes. IRRELEVANT STUFF EVERYWHERE gah.
Apr 10, 2011 14:35
read back to march 27th. missed things before that. i am just not reading so much LJ lately..
Jul 14, 2010 11:49
missed some things and some friends