Gotta love Elton John Lyrics... I confiscated my mom's Greatest Hits cd... I'm such a stinker... but really that's a great cd... his old stuff is the bestest
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You should really let me teach you the dance to I Will Survive...makes the song SO much more interesting. Of course, you have a beautiful voice, don't need a gimmick, people will be mesmerized. Which reminds me, are we ever gonna follow up on that Poisoned Promises idea? Because that was fun. I can just see us on stage, misty lights, you on keyboard singing your heart out, me on guitar, and maybe my old friend Paula on drums, she's good. Ah, good times. Lots of loving loves
But sweetie...skye_birdJanuary 25 2005, 01:39:22 UTC
You're already IN a band, remember? The one with the J-factor and Frank and Mark and Micheal? The one where you play bass? I admit, you were my first choice...but someone else snatched you up first. *tear* Ah well...We will Survive *breaks into dance routine* Fabulous.
lol Poison Promises!triloserfreakJanuary 25 2005, 20:56:13 UTC
I am DEFFINATELY still up for PP! OMGSH! Would that not be so freaking pimp shit! OMG! WE could kick sum serious fucking ass!... (sorry or the explicitives... in a cursing mood today) But seriouisly, we should get together and do something. Like start writing or somthing! OOH! SO excited!
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