Title: Bouquet, Spring's Blossoming Friendships
Series: Fire Emblem 7: Rekka no Ken/The Blazing Sword
Rating: G
Genre: Friendship/Drama
Characters: Louise
(C) Intelligent Systems and Nintendo
Note the First: I use
this and
this other site for my Victorian flower translations. The second is more thorough than the first
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Comments 3
I knew you would love the history of the Etruscan revolt and regulation. I may not be a history buff like you, but I can be encouraged to do well on that part if I like. ^^ And I really wish I could have gone more into Luca, since he really is awesome, but I guess that's for another story... But you haven't been reading this kind of fic lately? What are you into right now? Always happy to be an exception, of course. :D
What did you think about the ending scene? I was worried about striking a balance and not just go off the rails of melodrama, yet I wanted Louise's emotions to be real and almost tangible. Did it all seem okay?
Anyways, for your second question...hmm. I have to admit it may have been a bit on the melodramatic side, yeah. Since we've played FE7, we know that Pent can't be dead, so watching Louise's reaction like that seems a bit...overbearing. However, hmm...since *Louise* herself doesn't know what happens in FE7 at this point, it's hard to imagine another way of writing the scene which wouldn't underplay her understandable emotional reaction either. Hmm...
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