Where did you take your default picture? From a screen cap of some episode of Danny Phantom.
What exactly are you wearing right now? Brown gauchos and my "The Second Amendment" shirt.
What is your current problem? I'm feeling really lazy.
What makes you most happy? Hanging out with my friends, doing absolutely nothing, but mocking it.
Ever had a near death experience? Not really.
Name something obvious about you: I have hair.
Name something that people might not know about you: People might not know that I... have won a dancing contest before.
What's the name of the song that you're listening to? I'm not listening to music.
Any celeb you would marry? No.
Name someone with the same birthday as you: Uhh... Dustin. I don't know anybody famous or anything.
Ever sang in front of a large audience? Indeed.
What do you usually order from Starbucks? Some sort of frappuccino. I had a really good vanilla chai shake at one, but I haven't found another that has it and it totally isn't worth moving to Seattle for.
Has anyone ever said you looked like a celebrity? Yes.
Do you still watch kiddy movies or kiddie TV shows? Yeah.
Do you speak any other languages? Not fluently.
What magazines do you read? Seventeen, sadly enough.
Have you ever ridden in a Hummer limo? No.
Do you ever watch MTV? Yes.
What's something that really annoys you? Little kids talking during movies.
Middle name: Elizabeth.
Nickname(s): Trina, Q
Current location: Kitchen/living room/dining room
Eye color: Blue.
Do you live with your parents? No.
Do you get along with your parents? Yes.
Are your parents married/separated/divorced? Divorced.
Do you have any siblings? Yes.
CHAPTER 3: Favorites
Ice cream flavor: Doesn't really matter.
Season: Fall.
Shampoo/conditioner: Herbal Essences Citrus Lift or Fruit Extracts.
CHAPTER 4: Do You...
Sing in the shower? If I know no one else is in the house.
Write on your hand? Yes.
Call people back? I try to. Unless I don't want to.
Believe in love? I try.
Sleep on a certain side of the bed? No.
Wear glasses or contacts? Either.
Have any bad habits? Yes.
CHAPTER 5: Have You Ever
Worn braces? Yes.
Broken a bone? No.
Had stitches? Yes.
Taken painkillers? Yes.
Gone scuba diving? No.
Been stung by a bee? Yes.
Thrown up in a restaurant? No.
Been to overnight camp? Yes.
Sworn in front of your parents? Yes.
Had detention? Yes.
Been sent to the principal's office? No.
Been called a bitch? Yes.
Been called a hoe? Not to my knowledge.
CHAPTER 6: Who/What Was The Last
Person That IM'ed You?: I have no idea.
What did it say? ...
Person to call you? Charlie.
What did you talk about? Memorial concert.
Person you hugged? Eric.
Person you tackled? Probably Eric.
Thing you touched? Le keyboard.
Thing you ate? Thsoe fudge cookie dealies.
Thing you drank? Milk.
Thing you said? "Ahhhhh"
Well. There you go.
SO yesterday I was really annoyed at these kids that were sitting behind us at the movie theater. The movie was Superman Returns and the kids are like "WHAT'S THAT GREEN STUFF?" and I'm just like "FOR SHAME!" It's a Superman movie, c'mon kids. You should know what that green stuff is.