Episode: 2.7 The Usual Suspects
Title: A College Kid With a Healthy Respect for the Law
Submission Type: Fic
Author: trinaaron
Rating: PG
Summary: Missing scene from "The Usual Suspects"
HUGE thank you to sendintheklowns for her beta and encouragement. YOU ROCK!!
Det. Diana Ballard couldn't believe this was happening. She loved her job, and one sure way to screw it up was to be seen in the company of an escaped "person of interest". Unfortunately, that very person was also the only one who could help her.
She peaked at the man walking beside her. At first glance he seemed normal and non-threatening, a college kid with a healthy respect for the law. But just below the surface there was something she couldn't quite put her finger on; an edge that he was careful to keep hidden. They were walking through a dangerous neighborhood, and yet he didn't appear nervous at all. In fact, he somehow seemed larger and tougher now than he had at the station.
She asked him, "Did you actually know Tony and Karen Giles?"
He smiled and shook his head. "We read about Tony's death in the paper and it sounded like maybe it was our kind of gig. Dean and I always come up with a cover story since an awful lot of what we do could seem suspicious-"
"And illegal," she interrupted
He shrugged, "That too."
This guy was good...really good. He lied with an earnestness that was frightening. He had somehow gotten out of a locked room in a building full of cops, and even managed to steal evidence. And with a broken arm no less.
"If ghosts are real, then what else..."
He visibly tensed up. "Don't. You don't want to know. After a while every shadow becomes an evil thing that wants to tear you apart."
She understood what he meant. As a cop she knew what dealing with crime on a daily basis did to you. And even the worst offender was still just a human at the end of the day. He dealt with monsters and nightmares come to life. She had the backing of an entire society. How would she feel if she had to do her job while the rest of the world treated her as if she was insane and a criminal to boot? "So why do you do it?" she wondered.
He turned towards her and just looked. She got the feeling that he was sizing her up, trying to decide how much to say to her. "For most of my life I thought that I could choose not to be a hunter, that I could follow a different path. It turns out I was wrong."