Title: "A Christmas Miracle"
Author: Trinity
Fandom: Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable
Pairing: FeMC/Shinjiro
Rating: G
Spoilers: The October 4th event; the fate of Shinjiro
Summary: It's Christmas...time for a miracle.
"It's Christmas, senpai." Minako whispered as she sat by Shinjiro's bedside with the Christmas cake she'd made for him. "I brought you a cake."
Silence followed her words and her heart clenched tight in her chest. The pocket watch she'd found for him had saved him from the bullet and put him in a deep coma, but for Minako, it was a small comfort. Minuscule, really. She was happy that he hadn't died, of course, but she still wanted him to open those steel gray eyes of him and look at her. She wanted to hear the gruffness of his voice and the warmth of his arms. All she really wanted for Christmas was for him to wake up and come back to her.
She cut the cake and began to eat it slowly. "It's good!" She told him. "I'll save you some. So, wake up soon, okay?" She wanted to remind him that he'd promised a Christmas date to her, but then again, in a sense, he had kept that promise. They were spending Christmas together.
She took his hand in her own and cluched it tight. There was still some warmth left in it.
"Merry Christmas, Senpai." She whispered. "I'm glad I met you."
More silence, but then, out of nowhere, she felt something in her hand. There was a slight twitch of movement. She opened her eyes and then noticed that Shinjiro's hand was twitching. The sound of the steady beeping of the machines seemed to pick up the pace and then, breaking the silence completely, was a ragged intake of breath.
She looked up and noticed that silver eyes were staring unfocusedly at her. Her heart nearly stopped beating. "Shinjiro-sempai?"
He blinked and then, very weakly behind his oxygen mask, he smiled at her. "Sorry…to keep you….waiting." He paused to take another shaky breath. "Merry Christmas, Minako."
She almost leapt out of her chair to hug him, but then reminded herself of all the machines hooked up to him. She settled for pressing his hand to her cheek. "You could never keep me waiting. I'd sit here and wait forever, if that's what it took."
"I'm…happy…that you're the first face I saw." He coughed and squeezed her hand. "I…I missed you."
"Don't say anything just now." She smiled. "I'm going to get the doctors." She paused as she got up and left the room. She turned to the door and looked at him.
"What is it?" He asked, voice unusually soft.
"Nothing…just that you waking up is the best Christmas present I could ask for."
This made him smile.
"You're never too old for a Christmas miracle."