Oi...and I mean OI.
The past few months have sucked majorly.
Needless to say, I am not returning to this job in the 2011-2012 school year. Hell, when I get observed tomorrow, in the meeting afterwards, I hope I'm given an out to leave my job. I hate it.
It's sad too, because I do not hate the teaching part. I hate all the administrative bullshit with people who have ginormous sticks up their ass (asses?).
I am chewed out usually weekly. This past week into today I have been chewed out daily for things that I have never be told or taught how to do.
I am stressed. I have gained weight. I am depressed. I am alone up here and all I want to do is get out of here!!!
No amount of positive thinking will make me feel better. And before people can say I'm ungrateful, I am grateful to have what I have, a job, a roof over my head etc. but while I have this nice apartment and a professional job, I was happier this time last year in my crappy attic apartment, working two part time jobs, interning, and taking classes, surrounded by people who loved and appreciated me. I have none of that now.
Lesson for the year people, money and a "good" job doesn't bring happiness.