Seems as if my journal had a freak out and I'm assuming it was caused by my old layout since, when I switched it, my text reappeared. Oh well, I'll put up a new layout later when I have time. I'll just have to deal with the snowman for the time being. :)
*twitch* They are doing a remake of the Karate Kid?! WHY!? *twitch twitch* The original was just...awesome!!! No one can play Mr. Miyagi like Pat Morita! Hell, Morita is THE Mr. Miyagi!
As I was driving to the roomie's house my car bit the shit on me. After yelling and crying hysterically (because it hasn't been a good week) I was towed by AAA.
$216.21 later my serpentine belt is fixed and so is the pully...thing.
There goes one of my paychecks :(
Oh well, at least I can relax this weekend and go back to the grind on Monday.