Welcome to the world of "Maxtor Hard Drives Suck Ass." Pull the drive, replace it with a nice Western Digital, install Windows, and if you're lucky, you might be able to pull your files from the drive before it finally shits the bed.
Dereks and Brian's hard drives both failed. I am agreeing whole-heartedly with Jeff. Utter POS. To replace hard drive: Go to Best Buy / CompUSA, locate a Western Digital 120GB 8MB Cache Drive (aka Special Edition), Purchase. Go home. Drink capt/sprite. call me so i can walk you thru installing windows. install windows. drink another capt/sprite. windows update until it's current. (you may have to re-activate, don't know which XP the HP XP key is good as)... drink three more capt/sprites and throw the old hard drive off the nearest high object. your window should do okay.
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That's what I'd do.
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