The Endless Circle of Lost Hate & Friendship

May 19, 2008 22:08

1. Name/Nickname: My name is Sierra though some of my friends call me Cici. I don't really like that nickname but I like them enough to allow them to call me that. Ha.
2. Age: 15.
3. Gender: Female.
4. Birthdate: Sept. 28

5. Likes: Art [mostly just looking at it], reading, watching people [not in a creepy stalker-like way], daydreaming, researching various things of interest, taking pictures, editing pictures, watching TV, watching movies, &being nostalgic...There are a lot more things that I like but I can't seem to remember too many of them right now.
6. Dislikes: Liars, hypocrites, snobby people, materialism [I'm not entirely sure that's a word], racism, homophobia, intolerance in general, loneliness, &being dizzy. There are tons more things that I dislike but I'll spare you the laundry list.
7. Strong Points: I've got a few strong points. For one I'm very dependable&well-spoken. Or so I would like to think. Haha. I'm kind, compassionate&a good listener. I'm really thoughtful&funny too.
8. Weak Points: I've got a few weaknesses as well. I can be kind of selfish on occasion. I also tend to be self-centered&vain. I'm pretty lazy as well. Not to mention, I have a mean/jealousy streak.

9. Talents: I don't have many talents. I guess the only two things that I'm really outstanding at is photography [&when I try other forms of art]&I'm also pretty good at signing [as in American Sign Language], though I'm not sure if that can be considered a talent.
10. Hobbies: I'm pretty sure I've covered most of this but I'll have another go..Taking pictures, reading, listening to music, going to concerts, learning new things, making new friends, watching TV/movies..I think you get it.
11. What's your personality in three to six words: Nice girl. Has layers. XD

12. Favorite Color:My favorite color is blue. &any shade of it.
13. Image Color: Ironically I also look best in blue. :]
14. Favorite Animal: You know this changes every time I go to the zoo. Right now my favorite animals are tigers. They're majesticccc.
15. Favorite Food: This too changes quite often. I guess right now I'd have to say that it's Black Raspberry Chocolate Chip ice cream from Graeter's.
16. Favorite Quote: Oh Lord, heal this bike.
17. Personal Motto: You just have to give it what you got, &if the world doesn’t want it, then they can leave it. [I didn't come up with it but I most certainly agree.]
18. Night or Day? Night. There are few things that I love more than sitting in my room at night watching TV&reading.

19. Favorite Trinity Blood Character and why: I really like Abel. He's just so lovable&sweet how could you not like him?
20. Least Favorite Trinity Blood Character and why: There aren't many characters in Trinity Blood that I dislike but I'm not really fond of Francesco di Medici. He's so stiff&mean, you know? He's really no fun.

21. Are you Mature or Immature: I'm pretty mature, especially for my age. Don't get me wrong though, I definitely have my immature moments.
22. Are you a Leader or Follower: Most of the time I end up being the leader. That's usually just because no one else will step up though.
23. Are you Optimistic or Pessimistic: I don't think I'm a pessimist or an optimistic. I'm a realist. I look at things the way they are.
24. Are you Outgoing or Shy: I'm typically pretty outgoing though that can change depending upon who I'm around.

25. Here I am..:

26. Anything else:
27. I voted for..: Uno
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