1. Name/Nickname: Morgan; (where nicknames are concerned, it depends on who you ask) not confined to: Satan, The Devil, Wikipedia, Dictionary, person-who-eats-babies, meat-cleaver-wielding psychopath, etc.
2. Age: 17
3. Gender: (Hmm...tough question.) Female
4. Birthdate: 2/11/1990
5. Likes: sleep;
The Ages of Man; being a free thinker;
watching cute fuzzy animals being mutilated in horrible and increasingly sadistic ways; Johnny the Homicidal Maniac; Invader Zim; Voltaire-the-singer and Voltaire-the-French-philosopher; too many books to name; fairytales and folklore; history; escatology; sociology; psychology; mind-games; peace and quiet;
this and
6. Dislikes: generalizations; stereo-typing; self-appointed "missionaries" (i.e. the type that simply must have you joining their religion, because it's oh-so-fabulous. Not meant as an affront to anyone in particular. Ahem.); people in general; badly written fiction (fanfiction, or otherwise); excessive 733+ where it's not supposed to be; being talked-down to; pointless philosophical tangents; mass-appeal media; being forced to study historical events past WW2.
7. Strong Points: I'm a perfectionist, and always set high standards for my work. I have a twisted sense of humour, and can use sarcasm to my benefit, and for the amusement of others. I'm also highly analytical, nit-picking things to death, which is useful sometimes.
8. Weak Points: I can be severely ignorant towards the feelings of others; although, I can use sarcasm to my advantage I've often hurt others and I know it. I can be severely pessimistic, cynical and misanthropic, to the point where I've been told my world view is just very much "skewed". My grudges and slights with others tend to run deep, and I can harbour them for some time. I also have a wavering attention span (it's usually between the two extremes of severe boredom and bordering-on-freaky-fascination). Oh, and I'm unbearably obsessive and possessive towards the few people I do bother about.
9. Talents: Above-mediocre writing abilities; duplicating anatomical drawings; remembering quotes from long-dead poets/philosophers and blurting them out at random moments (it unnerves people sometimes, it's funny); being a massive source of strange, obscure facts (don't ask).
10. Hobbies: Sleeping, writing, doodling, analysing whatever comes to my mind.
11. What's your personality in three to six words: Misanthropic, pessimistic, cynical, detached.
12. Favorite Color: Silver, black, turquoise, dark-red.
13. Image Color: (The color you look best with) Black, I suppose. (No surprise there, hmm?)
14. Favorite Animal: Chimeras (as in the mythological creature, not the fish); I'm more inclined towards arachnids though, but I've never liked animals all that much.
15. Favorite Food: Sugar Persimmons.
16. Favorite Quote: Essentially all quotes by Oscar Wilde, Terry Pratchett and Mark Twain. But the ones I enjoy most are:
Children begin by loving their parents; as they grow older they judge them; sometimes they forgive them.~ Oscar Wilde
The trouble with having an open mind, of course, is that people will insist on coming along and trying to put things in it.~ Terry Pratchett
Behold the fool saith, "Put not all thine eggs in the one basket"--which is but a manner of saying, "Scatter your money and your attention;" but the wise man saith, "Put all your eggs in the one basket and--WATCH THAT BASKET."~ Mark Twain
And this quote from The Man Who Was Thursday by G.K Chesterton, because it reminds me endlessly of Cain (XD):
"Now absent-mindedness is just a bit too awful in a bad man. We think of a wicked man as vigilant. We can't think of a wicked man who is honestly and sincerely dreamy, because we daren't think of a wicked man alone with himself. An absent-minded man means a good-natured man. It means a man, who if he happens to see you, will apologise. But how will you bear an absent-minded man who, if he happens to see you, will kill you? That is what tries the nerves, abstraction combined with cruelty."
17. Personal Motto: (Different from Favorite Quote) Never discriminate; hate everyone equally.
18. Night or Day? Night.
19. Favorite Trinity Blood Character and why: Cain Knightlord. There's something about that smile, I suppose. It seems there's a tendency in me to gravitate towards villains and anti-heroes. I can't really explain why Cain captured my attention in the first place, really. It was just, in the expanse of one anime frame-- and poof! He became my new obsession. I'd put it down to a fascination with his sociopathy; his unnerving calm as he blows people apart--that and he runs around the RCO in the nude.
20. Least Favorite Trinity Blood Character and why: It's a close tie between Abel and Esther. But, I'd choose Abel (if only because Esther is so easily flustered, it's laughable). Abel irritates me endlessly because he has the potential and power, goddamnit. And he knows full well in the end of it all he'll tap into it anyway, so why not hone it now? Sure Lilith's death was tragic. Sure, you know setting out on a new resolve to protect Humanity, etc, etc, is all noble and such. But where have I seen this time and again? I just think it's a waste of potential in a character, knowing he could have been way better than being an endless angst-magnet. He falls apart and goes into angst-mode so often, it bores me.
21. Are you Mature or Immature: A mixture of both, depends on the mood.
22. Are you a Leader or Follower: I prefer to be a leader.
23. Are you Optimistic or Pessimistic: Pessimistic
24. Are you Outgoing or Shy: Neither. I just prefer solitude.
25. Include a picture or describe yourself: I hate pictures. Cameras eat your soul and your money. I'm a typical Asian girl, i.e. squinty eyes, dull, shoulder-length black hair, black eyes. I'm about 160 cm, and 65 kg.
26. Anything else: Anime!Isaak has the most common character design in the world of manga-anime ever. I don't know. But I seem to see Isaak look-alikes all over now. Maybe it's just an obsessive-compulsive thing.
27. Please link the 3 people you voted for here as proof: (IF there was only two down to no people that you were able to vote for leave a note saying so here.)
http://community.livejournal.com/trinity_rating/32078.html 2)
http://community.livejournal.com/trinity_rating/32439.html 3)