Drive-by Breaking Dawn liveblog. Spoilers for the first half of the book.
p. 360
Oh, SMeyer, you did not just go there. did.
I think you did. I stopped there to write this, so maybe it's all just my imagination and you didn't do what I think you just did. What were you thinking? "Oh, impregnating Bella with Edward's implausible vampire sperm wasn't enough, so I think Jacob should imprint on the monster baby, too! Wouldn't that be super?"
You got a lot of 'splainin to do, SMeyer. First thing I want to know is why I can't put this stupid book down.
I vaguely remember picking out quite a bit of "Bella and Edward better do it" and "I bet Bella and Edward aren't going to do it" in the pre-BD discussions I read. Well, they did it. SMeyer committed to teh sex, and I really kinda wish she hadn't.
Raise your hand if you would like more of Jacob Black as the narrator! *raises hand* I think his head is a much more interesting place to be than Bella's. And also, what happened to Bella's personality for the whole three weeks she was pregnant? Oh, and one more question:
*shakes head* Oh, SMeyer.