"Don't forget, we need to go down to the beach before we leave," Luna reminded Neville, squeezing his fingers.
"I know, when do I forget?" he replied as he shook his head.
"Right, yes, of course," Luna agreed, before something caught her eye. "Well, would you look at those! I wonder..."
Neville was content to let himself be dragged into another well, rather tacky tourist shop. He liked watching the way she delighted in the cheap Muggle trinkets, all emblazoned with Costa Rica in a thousand superfluous ways.
She had already amassed a handful of goods when he looked down at his watch, "We have to be at the site in fifteen minutes, love, so if you want to get down to the beach...."
"Oh! Thank you," Luna grinned widely at him, pressing quick kiss to his lips as she abandoned her potential souvenirs on a shelf and practically ran from the store.
Down at the beach, he stood behind her as she pulled out a red glass bottle (formerly labeled dried beetle wings) and knelt down, slowly scooping the white sand into it, before capping it.
"I think it'll look smashing next to Sri Lanka, don't you?"
“Oh, definitely.”
"Neville, could you take Tiggy? Maybe I can try," Luna sighed, passing the baby into his arms.
She really thought they'd handled the last crisis after they successfully convinced Alice that no, Methusaleh didn't want to be in the family portrait.
Arms free, she scooped Tybalt up, "Darling, Tacula belongs in the greenhouse."
Tybalt's hazel eyes watered, "But I promised him!"
She kissed his nose, "I've got an idea, after we take this picture, and send the nice photographer home," she sent the frazzled looking man an apologetic smile - none of them had been expecting Jacob to bring the man's 'birdie' to life on the first shot, "your dad and I will take a picture of you and your brother and sisters with Methusaleh, and Tacula out in the greenhouse. How does that sound?"
“Really?” his eyes lit up. “Promise?”
“I promise,” Luna said, pressing a kiss to blond hair, before smoothing it down a bit.
Appeased, the almost four year old wiped his runny nose on his mum's shoulder, before smiling.
Luna grinned back, "Are we all ready then?"
The three youngsters smiled and nodded, resuming their poses just as Antigone started to cry in her father's arms.
Neville liked camping, really, he did. He had an excellent four room tent for such occasions, it was cozy and warm and there was a bed. But Luna had apparently been spending too much time with Arthur and got the notion in her head to do it all the Muggle way.
She wouldn't even let him use his wand to set up the tent, which was why he was now fighting with stakes and tiny casings and ridiculously bendy poles that had a tendency to snap out of his hands uncontrolledly.
Like now.
The pole straightened suddenly and snapped back, catching Neville in the cheek. "BLOODY HELL!"
Luna came rushing over from the fire pit, "Neville! Are you all right?"
"I get to pick the next vacation," he grumped.
She nodded and proceeded to kiss it better.
See, he did like camping.