Title: Happy Birthday, Yuuta
Characters: Fuji Yuuta, Fuji Shuusuke, Saeki Kojirou
Rating: Hard R/barely NC-17
Disclaimer: Unfortunately, I made no money off of this.
Warnings: Fujicest, swearing, drunkenness and debauchery.
Summary: Fuji recruits an old friend to give Yuuta a birthday he won't soon forget.
Notes: I hope everyone enjoys this, because it was tons of fun to write.
"Aniki, didn't I tell you not to come so early?" Yuuta rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as he opened the door, frowning at his brother. He hadn't bothered to get dressed yet and was still wearing what he had slept in: a grubby t-shirt and flannel boxer shorts. "Whatever, come in, make yourself at home." He pushed the door all the way open and turned around, still not properly awake.
"Hey now, Yuu-chan, is this how you treat all your guests?"
"Eh!?" Yuuta let out a squeak and turned around, rubbing his eyes again and actually paying attention to who was in his doorway this time. "Sae-san… What are you doing here?"
"I invited him, of course." The elder Fuji stood beside his friend (Yuuta was very glad to notice he hadn't hallucinated his brother's presence) and put a hand on his shoulder. "He wanted to help me celebrate your birthday, Yuuta."
"That's right," Saeki grinned. "Happy birthday, kiddo." He pulled out a small wrapped package from behind his back and held it out towards Yuuta.
"Ah, Sae-san, you didn't have to…" Yuuta was beginning to feel increasingly self-conscious about standing around in his underwear.
"Well I did, so open it."
"Ah, thanks." Yuuta took the box from him and gave it a quick once-over before tearing off the wrapping paper. "Uh…" He looked up. "What is it?"
Saeki's grin widened. "It'll make more sense later."
"That's right, Yuuta. We have a surprise for you." His brother was leaning against Saeki's side now, both hands resting on his shoulders as he smiled that creepy smile of his. Were they dating or something? (Yuuta didn't keep up with these things, because Yuuta did not want to know these things.) That was… disappointing. He had always respected Saeki.
He made a face, then put the box down on the table and turned away. "Let me get dressed first, at least."
With his back turned, he did not see the knowing smirk that passed between the two of them.
They were both sitting at the kitchen table when Yuuta returned, speaking in low tones that made Yuuta nervous. He cleared his throat to announce his presence, which made them both look up and smile.
"Welcome back, Yuuta."
Two more boxes had appeared on his kitchen table, both wrapped, while Yuuta was in his room. No one had been carrying those when they had come in, and he wondered where they'd come from.
"Did you drive?" he asked.
"I did," Saeki answered, and Yuuta felt a surge of adolescent hero-worship. Sae-san is so cool.
"This is from me," Shuusuke said, pushing the smaller of the two packages forward. "And this is from Nee-san."
The larger box looked like it was big enough to hold a pie, and Yuuta's ears perked up. Nee-san was pretty damn cool herself. Yuuta reached for the pie-box.
"Why didn't Nee-san come too?"
Again, Yuuta missed the conspiratorial grin.
"She's busy you know, Yuuta," Shuusuke chided gently, again pushing the smaller box forward. "Open mine first. Please?"
Yuuta frowned a bit at the thought of delaying possible pie, but nonetheless decided to humor his brother. Evil Dead 2, proclaimed the box beneath the wrapping paper. 'Special Edition!' it added proudly. Yuuta grinned despite himself. Even Aniki wasn't all bad.
"Thanks," he said, and smiled. "Now can I open the pie?"
Shuusuke pretended to be aghast, turning to Saeki with a hand over his heart. "Ko-chan! You told him? How could you?"
"Shuu-chan, I swear, I didn't breathe a word!" Saeki pouted and pretended to look hurt. Yuuta rolled his eyes. Okay, they totally weren't so cool after all. He tore the wrapping paper off of the larger box and pulled out the pie inside.
"Well I'm going to go eat pie and watch my movie," he said. "If you two wanna stop being idiots, you can come too."
The two watched him go for a moment, smirking at his retreating back before rising as one from the table and following him out.
Yuuta didn't look up from his pie when the pair came in, though he did take notice when they flanked his sides, sitting practically on top of him on the couch. Saeki even slung an arm around his shoulders.
"Uh, hi." He held his pie up higher. "You guys are being weird."
"Because we love you, Yuu-chan," Saeki said, and Shuusuke nodded emphatically, sidling further into Yuuta's lap now that the pie was not in the way.
"You… love me, Sae-san?" His brother's weirdness was not at all unexpected, but that was something he had never heard before. He could feel the tops of his ears turning red, and he hoped no one would notice.
"Of course I do," Saeki said with a grin, scooting closer and giving his shoulder a squeeze. "We both do. That's why we're here, right, Shuu-chan?"
"Naturally." Shuusuke swiveled in place to smile at Yuuta. Their faces were nearly touching. Yuuta flattened himself against the back of the sofa.
"Let me eat my pie."
"Will you share some, Yuuta?" Shuusuke asked, and then, without bothering to wait for an answer, stuck his finger into the confection. He pulled it out, red and sticky, and then popped it into his mouth with a positively indecent moan of satisfaction. Yuuta shifted uncomfortably in his seat.
"This is so good…" Shuusuke murmured. "Nee-san makes the best pies." He dipped his finger in a second time.
"Can I have a taste?" Saeki asked eagerly. Fuji grinned, holding out his finger for his friend to lick. Saeki wrapped his lips around the digit, sucking with apparent abandon. Yuuta swallowed hard.
"Do you want a taste, Yuuta?" Shuusuke pulled his finger out of Saeki's mouth with a pop and swiped it through the pie again before holding it out for Yuuta to taste. Yuuta's throat was dry.
"A… aniki…"
"What's wrong, Yuu-chan? Don't want to play?" Saeki took a swipe at the pie and popped his fingers in his own mouth, waggling his eyebrows playfully.
"Oh God." He squeezed his eyes shut. "Fuck. You guys." This was not the way he had been expecting his birthday to go, (in fact, he hadn't had any expectations for his birthday at all) and yet he couldn't argue that it wasn't hot. Very hot. Uncomfortably hot. He was still holding his pie in front of his chest. Suddenly he felt something cool and vaguely sticky against his cheek, followed by something warmer and definitely wet. He didn't open his eyes to find out who was licking him. Instead, he took a deep breath. When the tongue disappeared from his cheek, he opened his eyes. Two identical grins confronted him, daring him to join them in their perverted sport.
"I think," he said, "this party needs some alcohol."
Being pleasantly buzzed did not make Yuuta forget his head, or lose control, or anything stupid like that. He wasn't even drunk. The only thing the beer did was lower Yuuta's inhibitions enough for him to admit that yes, I see where you're going and please, take me with you. His guests had only been too happy to oblige. And aniki's mouth felt really good wrapped around his cock.
"Ahh," he groaned, pressing himself against the back of the sofa and flexing his fingers into the cushions. Saeki had already tugged Yuuta's shirt over his head, and was going to work on one of his nipples, poking at the sensitive nub with his tongue. Yuuta moaned again. "Oh, you guys."
Saeki grinned around the nipple, sinking his teeth lightly into the sensitive flesh before pulling away again. "See, Shuu-chan, I told you he would like our present." He reached down to finger the silver cock-ring fitted snugly around the base of Yuuta's erection.
Shuusuke could not reply, but his eyes said all that needed to be said. Yuuta's own eyes rolled back into his head. "Oh, fuck."
Yuuta was exhausted when they finished, sprawled out naked and sticky on the sofa beneath two other sticky, naked bodies. He reached down to grab his beer for another sip. Shuusuke grinned at him from his position in between Yuuta's thighs.
"How was that, Yuuta? Did you like your birthday present?"
Yuuta rolled his eyes and didn't respond. That sort of question didn't even deserve an answer.
"You know, Yuu-chan," Saeki murmured, wrapping his hands around Yuuta's shoulders and tugging him closer to him, speaking into his ear in a feigned stage whisper. "Shuu-chan's birthday is coming up soon, too, for once. And he threw such a nice party for you. We can't very well let him down, can we?"
Yuuta blinked and then groaned aloud, squeezing his eyes shut again at the very idea of doing this again in just over a week's time. He wasn't even sure if he was dreading the idea or anxious for it.
"I think," he said slowly, dragging out the thought, "that we can talk about that after I've recovered from this."