
Dec 03, 2008 13:25

Alright guys, me and Janella have a personal virus coming up that you can actually have your characters affected by, in a way.

The way our virus is going to work, Eros and Blackout are going to be hit by something that basically backfires-- it was meant to change time but it actually lapses their own and they lose a year, going back to before Eros had a panda and to riiiight after Freyja had cursed Blackout.

How this effects your character? The virus will not wear off. Blackout and Eros will have lost a year, entirely. All the people they know can try and convince them otherwise, but they probably wont believe you and think you're weird as fuck. I thiiink this is going to be the first time a virus does not reverse or wain, so yeah, feel free to have your characters notice this after some time and freak out, etc etc. BASICALLY HERE, HAS SOME FODDER FOR CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT? rofl.

Also, if you want your character to go through something similar, feel free! it can fade after a while or it can be permanent like ours. :x

But yeah, that willll be started soon.

Also, event calendar will be going up today. As of right now, the party that Eros will be throwing wont be at his beachhouse (obviously) but in a giant club in New York, he'll be putting up an invitation soon. Also, if you didn't supply a date for your event(s), it probably wont show up on the calendar, but if you can tell me when/remind me cause I forgot/etc, I can get it up on there for you. :3 THATS ALL ♥

ALSO, I'M OFFICIALLY OFF HIATUS so hi, mod back. :D;;


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