So I went out and got a Flickr account, because I *still* have yet to find a way to manage my photos that I like. I added some new pictures of Sonic as a test...I think I like it so far!
These are some really nice pics that my friend Val took for me...
check them out!
Comments 12
I remember seeing a few pics of Geronimo in your LJ and on your site...he was a lovely boy. The good ones remain in your heart forever, you know? :)
It is so heartbreaking to lose a pet, horse or otherwise, at any age, but ESPECIALLY when they are young. We lost our Labrador when she was only 6 due to freak kidney failure. It's something you never really get over, but I 100% agree with is best to just be thankful for the time that you did have. Don't be sorry, I get sniffly thinking about stuff like this too.
Chat away! Animal lovers always understand each other. :) I hope that you hear back soon, btw. :)
Your horsie's so pretty... I still need to meet him... I'm a bad auntie.
Thanks, re: Sonic! You do have to meet him one of these days when you're in town for more than a day or two! He forgives his auntie, though. :)
Sorry I missed your call last night...will call ya back tonight, if you're around.
And yay flickr!
Flickr seems really cool...I added ya back. :)
You going to get to see your boy sometime soon?
I get to see my boy Dec. 26! =) I'm very very excited.
Hey-I'm home for about a month, starting this weekend.. where do you keep Sonic? D'you think you'll have time to introduce us at some point?
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