Guess who's here to clog up your fanworks comm with even more fail stuff?
1. There was nothing like a consensual nap on lazy afternoons that caused that heavy blanket of contentment to wrap around Minako's shoulders, weigh her down, and eventually sink into her soul.
2. Third, fifth, and nineteenth kisses while under a virus were easy; it was the twenth-fifth when unvirused that was the hardest.
3. Karen had more than one moment of intense jealousy whenever Minako rubbed her face in Artemis's fur as a joke while the latter struggled in vain.
4. Barely obvious bruises and nearly healed scratches were the only things that alerted Karen to how much Minako lied whenever she insisted that the day's fighting had been a piece of tarts.
5. Sakamoto forbade either of them to enter the kitchen for a week after he recovered from the shock of finding grey mashed potatoes coating his pristine kitchen.
6. Minako nor Karen never understood how a bright summer day with twenty percent chance of rain transformed into a severe thunderstorm less than an hour after starting their picnic.
7. Most boxes of chocolates found themselves devoured within the day, but this box--and the ones of its kind that followed for many years after--were saved from their ultimate fate for a week as she marvelled that she had finally found someone to celebrate the holiday with.
8. Just because he was an older guy (sure, he was in cat form right now, but he was still a guy) didn't mean he couldn't recognize the quiet but radiant happiness and goofy smiles that accompanied love.
9. Sometimes Karen wished that she didn't dislike Shinra so she could approach him to reasearch a trans-world phone for more than obvious reasons.
10. Karen always blushed from the ears down.
11. It was something about the way she breathed, "Minako," just so that she loved.
12. And it was the way that she looked at her in awe without saying anything that made her feel loved.
13. Dying, she decided, wasn't too bad, but the thought of leaving Karen behind made her more determined than ever to come back.
14. This was bad, they were in a closet, what if Mr. Kuchiki heard--Kare--!
15. Nuzzles were weird...yet nice.
16. Chocolate, pastries, video games, and Karen with that Look after she told her to come and get her if she wanted her so bad: these were things that made Minako weak in the knees.
17. A weepy, cuddly girlfriend made sitting through a boring and bland "chick flick" worth it.
18. The F-1 Racing Game Queen's record was 1,874 to 2; the first loss was because she underestimated Haruka Tenoh and the second because Karen figured out the controls faster than she did.
19. When the three did finally meet, Haruka flashed the younger Senshi a grin and a thumbs-up sign while mouthing "Nice job," the first time Karen's back was turned.
20. Thirty layers of reinforced emotional concrete crumbled away with the statement, "All I do know is that I love you."
21. "Neo-Queen Serenity, a life without Karen wouldn't be a life at all."
22. So what if her and Rei Hino were a bit closer...okay, a lot closer, than she'd thought they'd be?
23. Sailor Venus's smile had a satisfied slant to it when her date for the royal ball blushed after the Head of the Guard kissed the back of her hand in front of nearly two hundred people.
24. Yes, the cookies were awful burned misshapen lumps of dough that didn't deserve the title of cookie, but what mattered was the effort and the time they shared putting out the fire.
25. No matter the number of times Minako flirted with other people, it was clear that heart belonged to one and one person alone.
26. It was such a vague concept that had never meant anything nor made any sense before she met someone who had a legitimate reason to say she'd love her forever.
27. There were too many recent large, rust-colored stains on the side of her sailor fuku for it to be written off as "a part of the job".
28. Summer flus from thwarted picnics were awful, and they were even worse when you quarantined from everyone (including your gaurdian cat) to insure it didn't spread.
29. Karen's protests that she'd never heard the song or the melody went unheeded as she was dragged onto the kareoke stage.
30. Her tanzaku read, "All I wish for is that Orihime and Hikoboshi are able to meet and be as happy as I am."
31. If home was where the heart was then Minako's heart was always a world away.
32. Sometimes the mangled proverbs that came out of her mouth stumped both of them for the rest of the day.
33. It was only a minor fender bender, but looking back now, nothing had ever terrified her as much as when she heard the police officer on the other end of the phone say, "Aino Minako has been in an accident."
34. Every time Karen traced that spot to the left of the small of her back, Minako felt like she'd been struck by lightning.
35. Tutoring her on the different bonds in chemistry was made a much easier task once she started using M&Ms for the elements.
36. While on vacation in America, Karen explained the signifigance of Chicago's Magnifacient Mile, and came to regret it the minute she saw Minako grin from ear to ear.
37. The community was responsible for most of the horrible things that happened to her, but having the blonde in her life outweiged the bad a million to one.
38. Was buying a gift for the one-week anniversary too soon?
39. Minako knew that Karen's smile could light up many more than a thousand rooms.
40. Even if Minako did something on purpose that made Karen's ears turn red, her expression was one of total innocence.
41. Not knowing where one of them ended and the other began when they woke up was normal.
42. Clouds were not dragons, castles, or brave knights rushing to save their lady fair before Minako.
43. After the picnic and summer flu incident, there was always an umbrella on hand in case the sky decided to open up and pour buckets.
44. The moment right before when she knew she couldn't hold on anymore, when she could feel the muscles in her stomach tighten, saw the faint sparks behind closed eyelids, when they both plunged forward with was a piece of heaven.
45. And it was a piece of hell as well.
46. Watching Minako sunbathe was nice; dealing with her own sunburn afterwards was not.
47. "Why do you keep singing 'fighting evil by moonlight,' Karen?"
48. Waving goodbye made her arm feel like lead.
49. Three people were allowed to touch her hair and these were (in order from highest priority to lowest) herself, Karen, and her mother.
50. The tutoring ended at supernovae and other astronomical phenomena when the book got much too technical, causing them to give up for the night and make out like they'd been wanting to for the past four hours.