I've been reading
indexed for a while now, but this one seriously made me want to piss myself with laughter.
http://indexed.blogspot.com/2007/12/its-uniform-you-know-like-football-team.htmlI remember when Goth-in-a-Box was actually kind of cool, because there weren't that many of them, and it helped out the kids who couldn't make it to those weird
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Comments 13
The nice thing about Germany is we're a bit of a goth central. And the interesting thing is: the kids that want to be goth because it's cool get their goth stuff from the German equivalent of Hot Topic. New Yorker, or H&M, or whatever. The people who really make their lifestyle gothic go to places like Zweite Haut... where the cheapest thing is 70 Euros. Or they actually sew their stuff themselves. Oh, and they don't actually wear ten thousand chains to school!
But yes, these wannabe goths, emos, punks, nazis really really do get on my nerves. Especially the ones that change their entire image within six months. One thing is finding a new sense of self, but just changing appearance without even understanding the meaning of it is just sad. For example I've seen one girl who started out as punk, went over glittergoth and then showed up at school regularly dressed in naziwear. But what can you do. Talking to those kids just gets them ranting on "You just don't underSTAND me!"
-- Make it yourself (or put together stuff from the rack at multiple retail stores)
-- Buy it from small vendors, often at the clubs
-- Buy from expensive boutiques (not as many, but someone has to buy from there).
Oh yeah, also there's the whole band shirt phenomenon (from concerts), but that's another story for another day.
So yeah, everyone's a naive kid once, and I get that everyone wants to belong to something. Just don't try to sell yourself as "different" when you got a pre-defined wardrobe from the store.
It reminds me of a movie quote a friend of mine is very fond of using, from a punk who wears suits all the time, when he's given crap by the other punks. "You sure spend a lot of time trying to look like you don't give a fuck." (Or something like that.)
It doesn't help that the product at places like Hot Topic is so shoddy. Everything falls apart so quickly, why bother buying it in the first place?
It's like when I went to Rocky Horror once, and saw this teenager wearing a 'Jem' t-shirt from Hot Topic. I said something about it, because I grew up watching it. She had no clue what it even was, just that it was pink. I seriously almost shoved my hot dogs and rice down her throat.
But I also see where you're coming from. Yes, making the unique stuff generic sucks. And some of the new generation's music is not musically pleasing.
That's a funny T-shirt logo, too :-P. Robert agrees :-P.
Thank goodness for the intarwubs.
And it wasn't meant to be a t-shirt logo. It was more of a knock on the lame emo kids (as opposed to the emo kids who shot off of punk about 12-15 years ago, around the same time ska was breaking out too. . .they were on to something). That said, if someone put it on a hoodie. . .
I want that logo you had a link for to be a t-shirt logo. It looks cool. I'd buy it.
That "logo" is actually a blog entry on http://indexed.blogspot.com. I highly recommend it as a neat little blog/art project. Basically, the girl who runs it posts observations in the form of graphs, Venn diagrams, etc.
Success is something I will dress for when I get there, and not until.
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