(no subject)

Jan 18, 2005 10:56

*The house*
What is your full name? Brendon Michael Schmidt
How many people are in your family? 6
How many people are currently residing in your house? 6
How many t.v.'s are in the house? 2
Who takes the longest showers? kat
Shower or bath? showers
Do u own any pets? dog 2 cats, 25 chickens
If so do u still like as much when u first got them? not the chickens
How many cd palyers are in the house? like 8
How many are usually playing at one time? 2
What is a cd in one of them? audioslave
do u listen to it often? mmhmm
Which room do u find yourself in the most often? my room
If your house was on fire what would be the first thing u would grab? my cd's

*Movies and entertainment*
What movie have u seen the most? 50 first dates
What was the first rated R movie you saw? hmmm, terminator?
Were u allowed to watch it the time or did u have to sneak? allowed
What is the saddest movie u have seen? city of angels
Is there a movie where your side hurt from laughing so much? yeah
if so which one? old school
Which hollywood star is the most overrated? most of them are
Who is the most glamerous star? who cares?
Who would u be if u could be them for just one day? martin lawrence
Which one would u hang out with? adam sandler
Do any of your friends remind u of any movie stars? nope
What was the last movie u saw? tommy boy
Was it worth watching? hell ya, i own it
What is your favorite phrase from any movie? "fucking right doggie"

*Your friends*
Who makes the most people smile? emilie
Who do u spend the most time with? brit
Who understands u the most? brit
Will any of them b/c famous? doubt it
Who is the nicest? emily
who is the funniest? jordan
Who do u talk to on a daily basis? brit
Who has the most friends? hmm...brit
Who is the most popular? jordan
Who is the most athletic? jordan
Have you lost touch with any of your friends from the past? yes
If so would you recontact them? some
Which one listens the most? brit
Which one talks the most? ape

*Which one?*
ocean or the river? ocean
car or truck? car
boys or girls? girls
dogs or cats? cats
give or recieve? depends
coffee or hot cocoa? hot cocoa
radio or t.v.? TV
eating out or home dinners? home dinners
Mcdonalds or burger king? McDonalds
ice cream or frozen yogurt? ice cream
solid or liquid? solid
talk or listen? listen
backpack or purse? purse
math or science? neither

Moment thats going to be the hardest to forget? hospital
Who will you remember forever? brit, brit, brit, and brit
Do u think u will keep in contact with many of your highschool friends? holy shits yes
do u think u will get married? hopefully
if so do u want kids? 2
what do u want your job to be when u grow up? whatever pays the bills
Do u want to go to college? want to...no, will...yes
Which one? JCC and then transfer
Where will most likely move or will u stay whre u are? idk
Who has had the biggest impact on your life and why? brit, she's always been there
Would u videotape yourself making sweet love? who to?
Would u break up with someone b/c your friends didn't like them? no
Have you impacted someone and made them a btter person? i don't know... probably not.
Are u happy? not really.
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