IC: He isn't stagnant anymore! In my last few state of the unions I said he was getting bland and jaded by camp, because he's gone through the wringer of camp effects and events and WHATEVER and he's still here. He's...still sideline in Trinity Blood-related drama, but he's slowly and surely still working through the issues Dietrich's mauling left him with! And he's moved in with Abel, but-in a completely different way from how it might have happened pre-maul, and COMPLEX FEELINGS ARE HAPPENING, and there is no more of the idyll and a lot more personal purpose in his interactions with people.
OOC: loving the change, quite honestly. I was getting very close to dropping him because he was basically just cruising along day by day, and even though he had a few strong relationships they were starting to stagnate. He was getting boring! And now he is not. I am surprised I kept him for so long, actually-at 3+ years he is my longest-running character. I...wonder sometimes if he makes people familiar with the canon uncomfortable, because I have had to headcanon a lot of things to flesh his character out sufficiently. But! At base, I am totally confident he still has his dickish complex strategic base personality! It's just been built on. In the current CFUW kill game before he got eaten he was right in there with the TAKE CHARGE AND BE SENSIBLE and it pleased me to no end that I never lost that.
Plans: Terrible chess with Mukuro! Halloween stuff, boggart stuff. More antics with the Trinity Blood cast! Have him start some new relationships, because he needs to get to know more people. Realize Percival is in camp, I dunno. I also need to do the actual crapload of essays for him I was meaning to write. Oops.
Chance of Dropping: Uhhh, 3/10. What might prompt me into it is if Abel and Radu both dropped, because those are his key relationships, and that is an insanely tragic ending, and I'm not sure I could stand to play him dealing with that. I'd just have him leave with them, and it'd be anyone's guess what worlds they ended up going back to.
Select Option 3: I really wish I could get more canon for him, but alas, that's not going to happen. I guess the most any new Suikoden games could give me would be more of the Silverbergs' history (NOT THAT I WOULDN'T BE DELIRIOUSLY HAPPY WITH THAT.)
IC: Ffff, she's felt overloaded for awhile. The sheer number of people she keeps an eye on takes its toll on her-there's Mirka and Ion, she watches the other Methuselah, and she's been charged with looking after other people as well. She's...also chafing! She has a ton of shit to get back to in canon, and though she's struck up a few new relationships, camp isn't doing enough to distract her anymore.
OOC: I am definitely faltering with Seth; I still like her when I play her but she's definitely been shunted to backburner status! She's a wired, high-energy character with a lot going on, and I can't cover all of it the way I did a year ago. It happens, but it makes me sad-it's not even that it's stagnant, because she has a lot of plot potential going for her. I'm just not OOCly motivated to take as much advantage of it anymore. :(
Plans: Nothing in particular right now, though I do want to try deaging her to post-Lilithshank, when she's just become Empress. It might be interesting! And possibly a tea party type post. My only definite plan for her is to have her co-shepherd a terrifying CFUW game with Mirka, but that is neither here nor there.
Chance of Dropping: 6/10, yeah. I am doing my best, because I know for sure she'll show up in the manga again and it'll be glorious, but Kiyo updates very slowly and there are a few arcs to go before he focuses on her again. It is likely I am still looking at a wait of years, here; I guess I'll see if I love her enough to manage that. Though, once she does her final update, the chances of her dropping would almost certainly be 100%, because there would be very little left to do for her and I'd want to finish off her particular story.
Select Option 3: I also have a vague desire to redo her iconset. La la la la.
IC: Honlon's happy! She has a place to live, she's got friends and interesting stuff to do and a whole camp to roam! She's actually settled very happily into Camp, and she's one of those cases where she'd be happier to stay forever than to leave. The caveat to that, of course, is that her most important bond of all is with Chris, and unless he comes here she has to go home to have even a chance at seeing him again. All of her personalities have even developed a bit in camp: Kanan is a bit better with people now, Junrei's not quite so shy anymore, and even Shuko is a little warmer. She is growing well.
OOC: I am leaning towards dropping her right now, though. She was always meant to be a gimmick character; I apped her on a whim and didn't think she would last! Hell, I was surprised when I realized I didn't want to drop her with Ten-chan and Tetsu-she got some amazing development afterwards and I'm glad I kept her. But she has gotten really tiring to play too. The triple personality is fun and the relationships are great, but keeping it up constantly does take triple the effort as well, and I've found myself losing interest and dropping her threads really quickly.
Plans: Stuff with Burupya and the 07-Ghost cast; maybe an 'antsy' earthquake post; a possible copost with Euram.
Chance of Dropping: 7/10. If I have to drop in the near future, she may be first to go.
Select Option 3: I will say this, though: playing Honlon has made me appreciate multiple-personality characters more! They are not easy, and really, you have to learn to love the playercest, but they are hella fun to explore.
IC: Mithos has unwillingly settled into camp in his own way! His own grumpy, racist, friend-hurting way. I am so glad we still have an awesome Symphonia cast around, because they really are what keep him more or less grounded-I would not enjoy playing him as much if he were freaking the fuck out at strangers every other week.
OOC:I don't play him enough! I'm aware of this, and I'm also aware that when I do I usually thread him with castmates. He is not a character who goes out and talks to others readily, and when he does it's really awkward, and I need to find a way to force him into it that doesn't just have him clam up and flee.
Plans: Something something. I want to get him involved in stuff that doesn't involve the Symphonia cast quite so much, for once; I feel bad always playing him off canonmates. Probably there will be antics happening with the Olympos cast in the near future, because hello AU twin and trollgod. I was also going to deage him at some point, but...stuff kept happening and now I think I am past a certain point with that idea and it's probably not happening. This is subject to change if Kratos and Yuan and Lloyd and everyone are ever reapped, of course!
Chance of Dropping: 1/10, despite everything. My failvillain.
Select Option 3: Genis needs to stop topping me. |:(
IC: Nyanko is another character who does particularly well in camp! He just kind of wanders in and out of posts and threads and is imperious and usually made of fail at the same time. IT IS GREAT; he has relationships up the wazoo and mooches off people and sometimes actually helps with camp's weirder shit. He's very, very easy to play: I have a mental 'What Would [Real Cat] Do?' thing going on when I thread with him, and it works great.
OOC: The only problem with Nyanko is that I can only sustain him for short bursts; he's good for popping into posts and laughing at people. However, I cannot run posts with him by himself-I go 'bzzzzt' after about an hour and never pick up again. IDK.
Plans: More +Anima antics? Thread with Natsume more, possibly introduce him to people, I don't know.
Chance of Dropping: Ehhh, he's another 1/10. I love playing a kittytroll.
Select Option 3: Canon is growing a plot again! I wish it would scanslate faster, because kyaaa backstory and epic arc and cute things. But people on the LJ community is being pretty good about putting up the side stories, and I can totally wait, because the series is rather slow-paced by itself.
IC: He's good, yeah. I've definitely taken him out of the Churchshack, because he does get random visits from people who by all rights shouldn't be able to get in there and it's a weird conflict? So right now he is mostly hoboing it up, and I will think about getting him a proper place eventually. Aaand he has carried over vague dream-memories of the horror CFUW game and the Sekirei game, enough so he recognizes other players! He will be talking to some of those people in camp proper, because he did make quite a few good acquaintances there. He is, of course, missing his party, and is always a bit worried, because they were on an Epic Quest when he got yoinked into camp.
OOC: Very easy to play, and definitely the character I enjoy most right now, because he is just the right amount of adorable and fail balanced with the potential to not fail at all and be serious. He's a very easy character to develop, incredibly positive, and he doesn't tire me like some of my lineup does. Also I am quite weak to shoulder dragons, thank you for asking.
Select Option 3: My only real issue with him, of course, is his canon continuity-I took him from the EX anime/manga, but after I finished those I am Not Satisfied! I am ignoring Blue Sphere a little and focusing on the original game; I want to update him to some point in there, but I still have to get a copy and play it before that happens. At the same time, EX did a great job with his quirks and gave him a stronger voice/personality than the game does (although they also did things with the characters' love interests that I don't ignore, but am generally ':/' about.) So when I do figure out where he fits in, it's likely not going to be from a particular version of canon, but from a weird mishmash of them.
IC: I haven't really done much with her since she's come to camp, to be honest. Stuff happened, I didn't settle into it as easily as I thought I would, and ... I don't know. She has a definite place in camp, and she does talk to new people and do interesting things, so I will consider that a good place for her to be right now.
OOC: Nnnnot sure! I love her and her canon very much, but I do not love playing her as much as I thought I would (though it's still easy to!) and I am more ambivalent towards her than my other characters in general.
Plans: Hang with the cast more, bug people more in general. Think of something to jumpstart her with. I do like her in fight threads, and it's October, so I'll probably have opportunities to do stuff there.
Chance of Dropping: 5/10? She still charms me, but I could let her go without too much regret if I had to. If I were trimming down my lineup, she'd be second to go after Honlon.
Select Option 3: :|a
IC: HA HA I'M NOT REALLY SURE WHAT'S GOING ON WITH ISKIERKA YET. Like, there are all sorts of things I want to do with her, but I have been doing OTHER things instead and so she gets shunted to do offscreen things a lot. She's definitely in an okay place right now, though being trapped makes her grumpy.
OOC: I...cannot speak of a few months from now; I took a risk apping her without her captain, and without him she is much more restless and worrisome and prone to get angry. The IC excuse is going to wear thin after a while and I will have to think up a new one. :X
Plans: Barrier post, make fun of Temeraire more, break everyone's brains with dragonsex propositions, get a pavilion, ignore Turkey and stare at England...lots of stuff. We are getting more cast for counselors, I am excited! I am also really hoping someone ends up apping Granby, because that would in fact make her major beef with camp disappear.
Chance of Dropping: 2/10. Ffff, are you kidding, this tsundragon was made for me.