Sorry for being late this round, low voter turnout (and a Guild Wars obsession...) made me postpone the update. This one played more to the rankings, so that's good. Away we go!
#1- Spiritmonger!? *5*
Shows just how weak the #1 seed in the Non-Bemani Region is. Might we see an 8 vs. 1 upset?
#9- It's just like a mini-mall! (Montgomery flea market) *2*
loses to
#8- Goya!/Pot o' Goya!/Goya Coffee!/etc. *6*
Apparently large black flea-market owning rappers don't like Goya coffee...
#5- You gotta do the cooking by the books! (Lazytown song) *2*
is upset by
#12- You using my lines as jokes? *6*
You using my lolis as sex toys? err... yeah, disregard that
#13- I don't believe it... Habeeb it! *3*
loses to
#4- Get some! *4*
#3- Get back! Get EVERYTHING IN!!! *6*
#14- That's "So Fabulous!!" (body undulations) *2*
Apparently taking pictures is more important than gay IIDX answers. WHODATHUNKIT!?
#11- (Made it from Boston to the Rockies on nothing but a) Pot of Folger's!! *4*
ties (but loses to)
#6- Even better than [Craig]!! *4*
I had to break the tie on this one, and it was really hard. If Goya wasn't in this one I probably would have gone Folger's, but that's how the [cookie] crumbles.
#7- (Take that Pickles,) 1x no bar bitch! *6*
#10- Junior Asparagus/JA will ban!! *1*
#15- Scrubadoo *3*
loses to
#2- Don't Slake the fucking torrent album! (Accept any other permutation of those six words, like "torrent album Slake, don't fucking the!") *4*
Only one upset this round, and I think it was justified. With that, round 3!!
#1- Diddly Dum Duh Dada Bitch!! (The Message)
#16- Dynamite Rave!
Dynamite Rave can be added to any song ever... except for "The Message"
#9- Drivin' 90 in a tropical rainstorm! SUPREET WAS LIKE THIS!!!
#8- Not Mugen!
No, "Drivin'" is Not "Mugen." but it was LIKE THIS (grabbing the oh shit bar)!!
#12- Ow my leg
"What happened? Did you just go through puberty?"
"I think I hit an arrow."
"What song was that?"
"Yep. That was Summer. Summer Speedy Mix"
#13- Movin' the Juice!
#4- [Konami] will sue/acquire!
Chang Ma will probably be sued
#3- Rappak (Rich Pakpreo)
#14- Professional Halo Player!
I really don't want to explain either of these... so I won't
#11- Yoyoyo! STFU!!
#6- Milk, all over my body!!
Shut the fuck up, all over my body!!
#7- Pokemon Christmas Bash
#10- I got it! I got the PS3/Wii!!
I got it! I got the Squir-Squir-Squirtle!!
#15- Yiff in hell furfags!
I will be EXTREMELY surprised if this is an upset. The fact that ZiggZigg is a number 2 shows just how retardedly good the Manny bracket is.
I need/want more votes people... Thursday around 5 p.m., that's when it'll update!!
I'm talking to you Jimizzle/Julie/Joe P/Sammi/Chris, even if you don't know some or most of the quotes vote anyways!!!