Title: Surprise Party
triquetralmoon Rating: R
Genre: Gen, H/C (beginnings of sick!Dean)
Warnings: Post-Lazarus Rising, nothing else you really need to worry about
Word Count: ~1700
Note: This is the first thing I've written since right after the first episode of season six. Be gentle. This may have a follow up if I can hack it, but no promises.
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Comments 18
Thank you! I'm happy you enjoyed it.
Thank you so much! And thank you for reading!
I'm glad it made you happy!
I always love fics that take us with them to the normal places they go. I'm a big fan of case fics, but love to see bars, laundromats, and all the other nooks and crannies of their lives. I wish there would be a comment-meme about that. A list of places they would normally go (bars, laundromats, gas stations, super markets, gun stores for ammo..) and see people built prompts around those.
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