55 questions

May 04, 2007 22:40

Tired of those same old 55 question about me surveys?
Well here are 55 - I guarantee you've never answered.

1. Is your second toe longer than your first?

2. Do you have a favorite type of pen?
oddly enough i like the ones you can get at places like banks and restaurants. you know, the ones with the ad on the side and the rubber finger thingie? those write SO SMOOTH.

3. Look at your planner for May 14, what are you doing?
waiting anxiously for my gwen concert

4. What color are your toenails usually?
something dark, like black or a deeeeeep purple

5. What was the last thing you highlighted?
probably a college book ages ago

6. What color are your bedroom curtains?

7. What color are the seats in your car?

8. Have you ever had a black and white cat?

9. What is the last thing you put a stamp on?
a bill

10. Do you know anyone who lives in Wyoming?

11. Why did you withdraw cash from the ATM the last time?
i dont use the ATM

12. Who is the last baby that you held?
hmm, not sure

13. Do you know of any twins with rhyming names?
no, thats stupid - ahah seriously

14. Do you like Cinnamon toothpaste?
ew, only mint, please

15. What kind of car were you driving 2 years ago?
an invisible one

16. Pick one: Miami Hurricanes or Florida Gators.:
new york yankees

17. Last time you went to Six Flags?
never been there

18. Do you have any wallpaper in your house?

19. Closest thing to you that is yellow:
a painted flower on my piggy bank

20. Last person to give you a business card?
laura, i think

21. Who is the last person you wrote a check to?
american express

22. Closest framed picture to you?
one of the brooklyn bridge

23. Last time you had someone cook for you?
mommy the other night

24. Have you ever applied for welfare?

25. How many emails do you have?

26. Last time you received flowers?
when charles gave me roses at 3:30 am for no good reason

28. What kind of milk do you drink?

29. Do you play air guitar?
ahaha sometimes, i won't lie

30. Do you take anything in your coffee?
ick, coffee

31. Do you have any Willow Tree figurines?
wtf are those

32. Have you ever owned a Beanie Baby?
ahahaha um...YEA. i adore those things, i won't even lie

33. Last person you spoke to from high school:?

34. Last time you used hand sanitizer?
the last time I used my soap

36. What color are the blinds in your living room?
we don't have blinds in the living room

37. What is in your inbox at work?
nothing as i do not have one of those

38. Last thing you read in the newspaper?
i can't remember what was last, but i know i read my horoscope

39. What was the last pageant you attended?
yea, i don't make it a habit of attending those

40. Where is the last place you bought pizza from?
i think some place in NJ

41. Have you ever worn a crown?
possibly, when being an ass

42. What is the last thing you stapled?

43. Did you ever drink Clear Pepsi?
i think once...it was alright but i don't miss it

44. Are you ticklish?
in certain spots

45. Last time you saw fireworks?
randomly in nyack last year...twas not july 4th

46. Last time you had a Krispy Kreme doughnut?
ages ago. don't really like them much

47.Who is the last person that left you a message?
stace the mace

48. Last time you parked under a carport?
probably with kevin, when we'd go to ryan's

49. Do you have a black dog?
i dont have a doggie anymore

50. Do you have any pickles in your fridge?

51. Are you an aunt or uncle?
i'm a neither

52. Who has the prettiest eyes that you know of?
ME! i love my eyes :) miss ashley's got some pretty peepers too.

53. Last time you saw a semi truck?
i don't really take note of when i see them

54. Do you remember Ugly Kid Joe?

55. Do you have a little black dress?
yes, of course

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