Happy New Years, Friends!

Jan 03, 2008 20:04

New Years Survey 2007 A Year In Review

What did you do in 2007 that you'd never done before? Drank alcohol. I mean, I shared a wine cooler with Brad. It was a big step for me haha. (:-O!!!), got bad grades. Thought about updating almost every week and never did. :(. Whoa got soooo much more mature and realized it. It's freaking me out, actually. Went to 2 weddings, my first two weddings ever! Met Kevin Divine. I guess that was cool, haha.

Did you keep your new years' resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I didn't keep my last year's resolution which was talking about people and be nice because well, to be frank, its way to fun to poke fun sometimes. As long as I wasnt publicly talking about them, or intentionally hurting feelings, i thought/think it was okay to make fun of a few here and there ;-). My resolution for this year is to be better. Everyone should just try to be better. I am also going to try and have friends. I dont think people realize how hard it is to balance a serious relationship and friends until you are in one. It's a constant struggle, almost every day. I'm working on it and improving, but I'm nowhere near where I should and could be.

Did anyone close to you give birth? No, thank god, because then I probably would have had to hold it. Gross.

Did anyone close to you die? No way man.

What countries did you visit? Whoa. I think I literally went to ZERO. Brad sure would have a lot to write for this..

What did you wear on Halloween? Princess Jasmine, A school girl, and a gangster (thank you Kristin).

Where and how did you spend your Thanksgiving? I spent it at my house and then over at Brad's. We had weird stuffing. My aunt, cousin and Grandma were the only ones to come, other than my family. Like 6 or 7 other people (family) ditched out on us so it kind of sucked but we survived. Turkey is the best.

Were you kissed under misletoe? I hate this question. Someday, I hope!

What did you get for Christmas? Clothes, 100$ cash, a magic bullet blender lol, warming blanket, some jewelry.

How did you spend New Years Eve? Best in a long time! Or, as far as I can remember. A group of us went to Mike's where everyone drank and partied and played beerpong and socialized and talked about old times. I really truely had an excellent time minus the fact that I couldnt find something to wear for the life of me. There were only like 20 or 30 people there so it was real small and nice and we all spent the night and me and Brad slept under the pool table haha. We took a lot of great picture and were very happy for the new year! :)

What would you like to have in 2008 that you lacked in 2007? Stability. I have a real hard time without Brad and I'm 20. I need to chill and be much more comfortable without him for a day or a few days. It's super hard for me and I need to work on it. I would also like to have more more more friends! I miss having girlfriends. I found some really great girls up at school but I dont think we have reached the 'girlfriends' level yet. I miss having corner talks with the girls (even though i never considered them 'the girls') and being together 24/7. I want a group of friends that's fine with Brad being around a lot but still will have tons of inside jokes with me and well, I dont know. I am just wishing for what I had sophomore year because nomatter how happy I am now with friends, I will never ever forget that and how great that time in my life was.

What date from 2007 will remain etched upon your memory, and why? Chris getting lost for 3 hour and ripping his pants, most of the parties I went to, Brad coming home from europe and picking him up at the airport. The no pants party. Camping with Katie and Brad, and then with Katie and Sara. Both real fun. The Mae concert. Putting on masks at Jason H's. Getting kicked off the freaking bus. Rays Air Hockey Invitational getting 2nd place only to Topher Wood. HELLLLOOOOO. Oh, and New Years Eve, hopefully.

What was your biggest achievement of the year? Keepin' it real. Really, I dont know. I didn't do so hot with anything. I regained ties with my friends that I love love love, but I also lost/am distant to some.

What was your biggest failure? Failing horibly at school this semester. Fighting, whenenever I did, it's always bad and unnecessary. I also failed at getting a job this year.

Did you suffer illness or injury? None other than being sick. And my awfuuuuul back pains. I'm like 60 years old.

How did you celebrate your 4th of July? I went to Gilbert Willis with a bunch of people. It's usually one of my favorite holidays but I barely remember it! I remember walking through the forest with Max hahah.

What was the best thing you bought? I dont buy anything cool for myself but I love the things I got for Brad!

What Did you Do on Valentines Day this year? I cried at first because Brad didn't send me flowers or come up but then he surprised me and showed up at my dorm room and got me a pup named pumpkin and he made me cookies. It was the best valentines day of my life! AND it was the 1 year anniversary of saying I love you. HAAHA.

Whose behavior merited celebration? Everyone merits celebration, everyone should celebrate! (that's the same thing as I said last year, but seriously.)

Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Oh I'm not going to mention any names but I am working on letting comment like his/hers fly right past me. Hopefully I will be able to smile nomatter what people say.

Where did most of your money go? Food. Every year is always the same answer. Next year though, the answer will be HOUSING!

What did you get really, really, really excited about? Brad coming home from Europe. I'm not even going to mention anything else becuase of how excited I was about this.

What song/artist will always remind you of 2007? Melee, John Mclaughlin, Gavin Mikhail, One Republic/Timabalnd, Paramore...

Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder? Sadder, unfortunately! I got in a huge fight with Brad tonight. I think people think we never fight and we are going to get married and be happily ever after, but we do fight and we arent always perfect or happy. It's hard because I feel like I have some kind of image to keep up and not tell anybody if we fight because I dont want them to think we aren't 'perfect'. Nobody is, it's foolish of me to worry about what others are thinking, especially when I need help working through things. We are doing better now, but it's really hard to fight, really fight, with someone you care so much about and to get that feeling like it's not the same, and it wont be. I hope this is a phase and that everything will work out. I'm not too worried though, I've got alot of faith in us.

What do you wish you'd done more of? Spent time with friends! Spending time with Brad is great but I need my pals! I also wish I did more while I was home this summer. I had the record worst summer ever. And I wish I exercised.

What do you wish you'd done less of? cry and worry. Same as last year. And hang out with Katie. I miss her so much.

How did you spend Christmas? I worked. Not a big deal though. Christmas eve we went to my cousin's for a little and then brad's aunts. It was nice to hang with both families for a change.

Who did you spend the most time on the phone with? Brad, while I was still in college. I spent more time than usual on the phone with Megan, and less than usual with Sara. I wish I had spent more time with girls and more with Brad while he was away!

Did you fall in love in 2007? I was already in love, but it increased every single day!

How many one-night stands? tons. 2,000 pounds worth.

What was your favorite TV program? Prison Break, Lost, Tila Tequilla, I<3New York, Grey's Anatomy, Life of Ryan, and The Hills! :)

Who was your favorite teacher? Definately my WRA teacher last year. Coolest guy I've ever met in my life. Kind of. He was BBBBBB AAAAAAA!!!

Do you like anyone now that you didn't this time last year? Not sure. I like people more than I did before, at least. Especially Steve. THings are on and off with him but right now he's good. Plus, he informed me that his resolution is to be nicer to me and that definately bought him some brownie points with me. And he misses brad and wants brad to like him alot again.

What was the best book you read? I started reading the Harry Potter series and I don't love it. its just okay. I'll keep reading, eventually, and maybe love it then.

What was your greatest musical discovery? I think I was happy with Melee, some previously mentioned bands. eh.

What did you want and get? Gosh I dont really remember wanting anything a whole lot! I know I wanted an awesome birthday present from brad and I didn't get one of those... but I am going to try and get over that..

What did you want and not get? See above.

What was your favorite film of this year? Tons. I love movies now. But only in the theater. I hate watching them at home. HATE. So, I loved: Transformers, no country for old men, Hot Fuzz, Knocked Up, Superbad, Harry Potter 5.

What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? I turned 20. Gross Decade!!! But, I dont even want to talk about my birthday. It makes me sad haha.

What's one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? Not going to go here either. I'm going to be satisfied with 200 as it was!

How would you describe your personal fashion concept in 2007? I branched out! I even bought skinny jeans, and tons of handmedowns from Amanda. My favorite shirts. I got some really nice jewelry.

What kept you sane? The usual: Pop, internet, ipod, and Sara&Brad. Especially Brad this year. I needed him and he was ALWAYS always there.

Which celebrity/public figure did you fancy the most? I started thinking george clooney was hot. How sick is that hahah. I like tila tequilla the besssssssst!!!!

What political issue stirred you the most? I'm doing good with politics. See: http://www.humanistsofutah.org/2002/WhyCantIOwnACanadian_10-02.html love it.

Who/what did you miss? I missed Brad alot, and having friends and being home and the family. I also missed Heather!

Who were the best new people you met? Sara and Melissa. And Brandon Hoots, while it lasted. Michigan State.

Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2007: Cheer up. There's no reason to cry. I hope I can follow that this year.

Quote a song lyric that sums up your year:

cause you are the sun in my universe
consider the best when we felt the worst
and most of all, most of all
most of all, most of all,
most of all. most of all
it's built to last.


Post pictures that explain or describe how you spent 2007:

See Facebook.

I love you all and thank you for checking in on me! :) Happy New Year!
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