Meme time! :oD

Jul 07, 2012 23:50

Choose your top 5 shows:


Criminal Minds

Ronin Warriors (yeah, so it's an anime; it's still a TV show! ;o))

Stargate Atlantis


The first character I fell in love with:
Jules Callaghan
Spencer Reid
Ryo Sanada
John Sheppard
Tony DiNozzo

The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:

Raf Rousseau (yes, he's grown on me!)
Aaron Hotchner (the stoic, no-nonsense, no sense of humour alpha male isn't usual the kind of character I gravitate to, but Hotch has truly grown on me). Also, Emily Prentiss, who is just awesome.
Rowen Hashiba
Rodney McKay
Tony DiNozzo (though I have to admit my love has faded somewhat over the years)

The character I love that everyone else hates:
Hm..good question! I guess Natalie, but I don't exactly love her. I don't hate her but she is one of my least favourite characters on the show.
I don't think anyone's hated on CM, except for Seaver maybe, but I haven't come across her in my CM marathons yet, so I'm reserving judgment for now.
Nobody's hated on RW as far as I know...
Richard Woolsey.

The character I would shag anytime:
Spike! And Sam ;o)
John Sheppard.

The character I’d slap:
Doctor Toth. Though he's become more sympathetic since Fault Lines.
Sometimes? Garcia. I like her, but she gets on my nerves every now and then with her OTT-ness.
Jennifer Keller.
Sometimes Tony when his antics are getting a little out of hand, but also McGee.

Who are your five favorite characters?
Spike Scarlatti.
Spencer Reid, but I honestly love the whole team.
Rowen Hashiba.
John Sheppard.
Tony DiNozzo.

Who are your least favorite characters?
Jennifer Keller.
Vance, though he's growing on me.

A pairing that you love?
Most of you will know I'm generally not one for romantic pairings, het or slash. I much prefer friendship, but I suppose that if I have to choose, I do have a preference. Het or slash ;o)

Hm...there isn't any romantic pairing in NCIS that I like, so...I'm just gonna go for Tony and Tim as buddies. Oh! Or Tony and Abby as buddies :o)


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