I think it was the events in this strip that made me realize that my job at the Y would work as a subject for the comic. This happened two years ago when I first started working there, and it took place during a trip to the Museum of Natural History in the city.
In certain parts of the museum there were attendants who had small kiosks where children could touch and hold objects, like bones, taxidermied animals, and the like. I was with some of the kids from my group at one, and the attendant holds up a rattle made from a turtle shell. She asked my kids the question in the first panel, and one of them said 'China' (Yes, it was an Asian kid). And he looked so proud of himself, too, since he figured he was right and that it was the same as the stuff in the gift shop.
The attendant's line in the last panel is made up; she and I just smiled and shared a knowing look. But that wouldn't really work too well as a punchline, so I had to add something. This works, I think.
I wonder if I made the kids too tiny in this. And look at how small the attendant's hand is!