On the broad Left, by contrast, the prevailing mood tends to be conservative. The late Tony Judt, for example, makes this orientation explicit when, in his last writings before his death, he called for a “social democracy of fear” and the modest program of defending whatever is left of the twentieth century welfare state. Coming from a somewhat different angle, political scientist Sheri Berman has called on the Left to “commit to managing change rather than fighting it, to embracing the future rather than running from it,” which amounts to a political program focused strictly on “helping people adjust to capitalism” rather than the structural changes that Mills called for. To be sure, there remain a number of individuals and organizations that do not seek only to maintain past victories or accept the inevitability and finality of capitalism. But these voices are fairly marginalized even on the Left, to say nothing of the broader society. There doesn’t seem to be any shortage of excellent proposals to deal on a short-term basis with various problems caused by capitalism, and these should be vigorously pursued.
But very few people these days, even most socialists it seems, can imagine living in a world beyond capitalism.
Всего десять лет назад. И это Jacobin, для которых везде искры, из которых возгорится. Скорость изменений в мозгах совершенно фантастическая.
"Мы, старики, может быть, не доживем до решающих битв этой грядущей революции."