Moved from DA to save space....
lol hey guys guess what? I just got back from my horse behavior class lab final, and boy am I tired. Mostly because I chose to use a big old gelding I've never worked with for the round pen portion and he was hardheaded and grumpy and just plain bratty. And did I mention big? Tall, wide, FATASS, heheehee.
But thats not the point of this add-on, whats really got me excited is that I barely managed to keep from getting kicked in the face, TWICE. HAR!
Ohhhh he tried his best to knock me out but I totally showed him who was boss and I feel so dang PUMPED with powah and authoratwoih!! He did kick dirt in my mouth though. >O Thats how close it was.
WHOOOOO!!!! I think I totally got a great grade too since I still kept control of of him and got him to do what I needed him to do for the final.
So yeah anyway, I managed to keep my face from sticking out the back of my skull so Im all proud and stuff especially since Im an amatuer.
Please continue with your day, thanks for reading. :XD:
And for you horse folks who want to know, He is a Fleabitten gray gelding, 4 years old I think. I dont know how tall he is in hands, but Im 5'5" and his withers were a good 5-6 inches above my head.
Or in my case, Chick looks like a dude, but it just doesnt roll off the tongue right if you ask me...
Anyway, :iconnerdcorpse: told me to do this:
Your boy side
[x] you love hoodies. (so comfy <3)
[x] you love jeans. (See above)
[] dogs are better than cats. (Rabbits pwn them BOTH)
[] it's hilarious when people get hurt. (ITs not THAT funny, srsly)
[x] you've played with/against boys on a team. (Football, and I slammed them all into a fence, mwahahahhaaaa)
[x] shopping is torture. (Hate shopping for clothes SO MUCH)
[x] sad movies suck. (I can't stand crying at movies, I wanna laugh dammit)
[] you own an x-box.
[x] played with hotwheels cars as a kid. (I broke so many of those tracks and loops and cars, poor things)
[x] at some point in time you wanted to be a firefighter. (Because I wanted to play with the dalmation, heh)
[x] you own a DS, PS2 or sega. (I have DS and PS2, my dad has the sega, lmao)
[x] you used to be obsessed with power rangers. (I had all the VHS, bedsheets, action figures, dining set etc. Only thing that surpassed my love of PW was my TMNT obsession, OMG I had a friggin TMNT tent in my room! :XD: )
[] you watch sports on TV. (I don't hate sports so much, its just BORING to me)
[x] gory movies are cool. (13 ghosts~<3)
[x] you go to your dad for advice. (Computer advice)
[] you own like a trillion baseball caps.
[] you like going to football games. (For good bands, but thats it)
[] you used to/do collect baseball cards. (Pokemon and digimon cards don't count I guess)
[] baggy pants are cool to wear. (I dont like my pants falling down)
[] it's kinda weird to have sleepovers with a bunch of people. (Naw, thats fun)
[x] green, black, red, blue, or silver are one of your favorite colors. (Black and Red have been my faves since preschool)
[] you love to go crazy and not care what people think. (Im very self conscious irl)
[] sports are fun.
[x] talk with food in your mouth. (NOMNOMBLARGH)
[] wear boxers. (I may someday, I hear they're comfy)
Total = 13
Your girl side
[] you wear lip gloss. (pfffft)
[] you love to shop. (HAR)
[] you wear eyeliner. (Hellnaw)
[x] you have some of the same shirts in different colors. (Thats cause Im a lazy shopper though, lol)
[] you wear the color pink. (EEW)
[x] go to your mom for advice.
[x] you consider cheerleading a sport (After attending a few of my cousins practices, YESH, that stuff is hard)
[] you hate wearing the color black.
[x] you like hanging out at the mall. (At the bokstores, movie and music stores and petshop)
[] you like getting manicures and/or pedicures. (They make fun of my feet. D= )
[] you like wearing jewelry.
[] skirts are a big part of your wardrobe. (Skirts make me feel NEKKID)
[] shopping is one of your favorite hobbies.
[] you don't like the movie star wars.
[x] you are/were in cheerleading, gymnastics or dance. (In kindergarden lol)
[x] it takes you around 1 hour to shower, get dressed, and put on make-up and accessories. (Thats cause Im slow as molasses)
[] you smile a lot more than you should.
[] you have more than 10 pairs of shoes. (I only have 2)
[] you care about what you look like. (As long as I dont look like a hobo I feel fine)
[] you like wearing dresses when you can. (EEW)
[x] you like wearing body spray/perfume/cologne. (It helps cover up my rancid stench)
[x] you wear girl underwear. (DUH)
[x] used to play with dolls as little kid. (I shaved them all bald and when the hair didnt grow back I ran over em with my tonka trucks, heeheehee)
[] like putting make-up on someone else for the joy of it. (Last time I had makeup on, it was forced on me and I cried. D= )
[x] like taking pictures of yourself with your cell phone/camera when you're bored. (I use em for expression references for drawings)
Total = 10
This meme makes no sense and isn't at all acurate, just full of stereotypes. Hmm, but if someone builds a time machine we can go back to the 1800s and ill bet itll work! GENIOUS. :slow:
Meh, I refuse to tag anyone for this. At least its short!
Duuuuh, finals have begun this week! But wont get really hectic till next week, wish me luck me hearties! :ahoy:
WTF, did I forget how to hold a pencil or something?? All my stuff looks whack like WHOAH.
Should I try to make a CSS?