Dublin Zoo Picspam

Aug 26, 2011 15:41

Dublin Zoo has modernised an awful lot since I last when (+12 years ago)

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Meercat checking for danger.

This cheeky heron was actually a wild bird waiting for a chance to steal some fish from the sealions.

Elephant bums

There's always one that like to show off.


I always forget that lemurs are primates, cos they look like weird dogs to me.

Orangutangs doing what they do.

I love the colour of their fur so much.

Another wild heron, this one had taken over the penguin enclosure.

Teeny tiny moorhen fluffball, there were actually three in a row but the other two swam out of frame before I could snap them.

Meercat fluffbundle. There were at least four of them in there, just sitting on each other.

I had a lovely conversation with this one. He said "Braaawk" and so did I.

The Big Daddy Macaque passing by a lil' one.

Again, not a zoo animal, but jackdaws are everywhere in Dublin and I think they are purty cos I never see them at home.

The wolves don't photograph well cos of the mesh.

Precious hippo having a good wallow.

Really bored mountain gorillas, I felt they needed a tv or something. The middle one has a baby on her lap, if you look closely you can see its head.


Macaques again, you really see the size difference with this pic.

I think this lemur has having a bad day.

Silverback Mountain Gorilla chilling.

Big Daddy Orangutang with cheek pouches, it was very hard to photograph him as he was determined to stay in the back.

Big Daddy Macaque.

Beautiful snow leopard. While I was taking this a bunch of italian teenagers were behind me calling her "BELLISIMA!" which, to be fair, she is.

Finally found a penguin in the penguin enclosure.

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