Name: Aly
Livejournal Username:
vegetasE-mail: ohfourplan [at] gmail [dot] com
AIM/MSN: phantasm brigade (AIM) /vegetas [at] live [dot] com (MSN)
Timezone: EST
Current Characters in Route: N/A
Name: Izaya Orihara
Series: Durarara!!
Timeline: After episode 24.
Canon Resource Links:
wikiwikiwiki Affiliation: Trainer; though that’ll probably be a very blurred line.
Personality: In a few words, you could describe Izaya as conniving, manipulative, and essentially, the game master of Durarara!! From start to finish, he’s the type to manipulate others around him - he bends them to his will to get results that will ultimately keep him entertained and aid in achieving his own personal goals.
To some, especially people who either haven’t had much experience with him, Izaya is something of an enigma. He speaks with a smile - sometimes jovial, sometimes darker. That's just how he carries himself. He's never too shy about the fact that he's not the most trustworthy guy; he doesn't advertise it, but he doesn't hide it either. He knows what he wants from life and the people around him, and he knows how to get what he wants. He never morphs his personality, per say, but he does carry himself in whatever way he sees fit for a situation. Be it something of a friendly nature, such as when he first meets Mikado and pushes him into “saving” Anri from the girls who were bullying her, to the darker, more informed attitude he carries when he first begins to deal with Namie in her quest to find Seiji, he displays a variety of attitudes. At least, he does so outwardly.
When he's amused, he laughs. His laugh his powerful, sometimes even bone-chilling and twisted. He slips in and out of places, often being completely unnoticed until he choose to make his presence known - usually with a jovial greeting or the offer of help or information... in exchange for more information. He can be fun and playful, though his idea of playful usually consists of teasing, sometimes in quite a vindictive
For those who know him a little better, his intentions always seem a bit questionable; it's difficult to say whether or not this guy is on their side or against them, but he never seems to let up with a hint. It's his selfishness, his desire to please himself that drives that.
He claims to love people - all people, with the exception of Shizuo. He finds them interesting, and he enjoys watching a situation playing out just as he predicts. The wildcards seem to be the most interesting to him - discovering things such as the true natures of Mikado and Anri, for example. Shizuo, on the other hand, he considers nothing more than a constant thorn in his side - someone who gets in his way and simply annoys him to the point of wishing he’d just die.
Izaya is also something of a coward, something he isn’t eager to admit, but does when prompted. Though he likes to use his abilities as an informant to play his own game, rarely will he be seen faced with any conflict directly. He uses a combination of his flick blade and a mastery in parkour to keep on his toes, usually avoiding face-to-face conflict. Even when it comes to Shizuo, who is abrasive and violent, Izaya will do his best to avoid attack (though this sometimes failed, evidenced in episode 3 when Shizuo blindsides him and hits him with a trash can) and run away given the first opportunity for Shizuo to be distracted.
His manipulation and desire to get Shizuo out of his hair isn’t limited to small things - he’s even gone as far as framing him for crimes and having him arrested. Of course, it didn’t last long, but was certainly enough to fuel their continuing rivalry.
But just what it Izaya after? The anime series doesn’t cover the extent of his goals, nor does it delve into his fears. The novels cover his biggest, and perhaps most driving fear. It’s not death that scares him; it’s the afterlife, or lack thereof. He doesn’t believe that anything happens when you die, but the idea of an eternity filled with nothing is one that makes him uneasy.
He holds the belief that Celty, while being a Dullahan, is also a Valkyrie - a legend of Norse mythology that brings her chosen war victims to an afterlife in Valhalla. Whether or not he truly believes in this is unknown, but he seems to feel that if Celty’s separated head can be awoken by great conflict (which, by the way of Norse mythology would be Ragnarök), then when he dies, he can be brought to a true afterlife and rest there in some sort of peace.
This is ideal to him, rather than living a life that is all for naught. This seems to be his driving factor underneath all of his other strange tendencies. From the start of the anime to the end, he does not change, but merely admits to a number of his unspoken faults; with his goal having not been achieved, he still has something to strive for - meaning he still has a game to play.
→ Intelligence: Izaya is smart. He does his research, whether its on culture, mythology, or the people around him. He takes the necessary measures to stay one step ahead of everyone else, and he’s damn good at it too. He’s not a professional informant for nothing, after all.
There is a downside to this, of course. He can be a bit of a godmode at times… at least, with those he has a lot of information on. He’s not shy about sharing that information with others, for a price, as well.
→ Cunning: It goes hand-in-hand with his intelligence and godmode..eyness. But he’s very clever and quick on his feet with responses, having an answer always prepared that will in some way, be of benefit to him in the future.
→ Master of Parkour: Parkour is a sort of discipline than allows one to move and adapt to the environment around them. As such, Izaya is agile and nimble, and very quick - he’s often able to dodge oncoming attacks without getting a single scratch on him.
→ Manipulation: Along with his cunning and intelligence, he is always, always manipulating people. He’ll say things to make them question themselves, make himself suddenly unavailable when he’s needed, and spread information in order to get people to handle things in a manner they may not normally do otherwise.
Most of his strengths double as weaknesses, as using them in higher doses or certain manners can indeed come back to bite him in the ass later on in one way or another.
Starter: Sneasel.
Password: S-salmon riceballs?
(Please note that both samples must take place in Route_29’s setting.)
First Person Sample:
Oya! Who’d have thought that speech would have been so boring with no way to smash the ’A’ button all the way through? I really would have thought verbalizing it would have provided at least a little more reaction. Or is it interaction? I wonder.
Oh, but seeing it all come to life is so exciting! Pokémon without silent protagonists and NPCs… Yes, this is indeed going to be a lot of fun! New and exciting, and presuming they’ve all been brought here just as I have. HAHAHAHAHA! I can’t wait to watch everything unfold~
It’s a shame Shizu-chan isn’t here. Seeing him get blasted with a thunderbolt would be awfully convenient. Ah, well. I guess we’ll see what happens.
I don’t suppose they sell chess boards and flick blades at Pokémarts though. Just one more thing to seek out and look forward to.
Third Person Sample:
This has the potential to be interesting. Izaya couldn’t help but to think that much as he tossed the empty Pokéball in his hand. Beside him was a Sneasel - a hybrid ice and dark type that seemed to be as mischievous as he was. He smirked, as his eyebrow quirked at the sights around him.
Izaya was marginally aware of how this all worked. He distinctly remembered playing the Green version for a short time in his childhood. He also remembered not getting further than four badges before getting bored. The world outside of video games was so much more interesting. Why spend so much time investing in a fictional life, when he could play even more fun games with the people he encountered in reality?
Maybe that was why this was so interesting. It seemed unreal - in fact, it seemed downright insane. Waking up in a bed that wasn’t his own, speaking with drone-like people who were his “mother,” his “neighbors,” and of course, a Professor of Pokémon studies? It was real though; he could feel it right down to his bones. But then again, Dullahans were real. She was a headless rider, and quite possibly a Valkyrie. Why wouldn’t something like this be entirely possible?
He chuckled, his eyes grazing past Sneasel and observing the surrounding settings. New Bark Town was quaint and unfamiliar. Boring, really. He wanted to find the other people; Izaya was positive there were others just like him. He wanted to find the largest city, park his belongings, and do what he did best. This world, and those behind it may have duped him, but it was the first and last time. No… this world provided new possibilities. New options for achieving his goal.
And better yet, there was no Shizuo to muck up his plans. At least, not that he yet knew of.
A plan was forming in his head. Yes. He’d find out who was around; first anyone he knew, than anyone else of interest. Things would be quiet for a while anyway. He knew he was going to have to wrack his brain to remember the mechanics of the battles; thirteen years was a long time, after all.
Izaya could help but burst out laughing, causing the Sneasel to look up at him in confusion. Of course, he didn’t expect the Pokémon to fully understand, but he smiled. “Well, Namie-san… what do you say? Does exploring Johto and making it our own sound like a plan to you?”