I vacated my blankety oasis, filled my sights with only you. Joined you in-between the blank stare spaces, and couldn't even touch youThere was something I wanted to say
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I am back. Quasi-back. I still have no direct access to Le Intarweb... but soon, ducklings, soon. I do have cable television now, so I'm one step in the right direction. Today is an exciting day of laundry doing. Mmmm. Soapy.
"Computer games don't affect children. I mean, if Pac Man affected us as kids, we'd all be running around in darkened rooms munching magic pills and listening to repetitive electronic music."
It's so odd to me when someone I haven't talked to in years contacts me out of the blue. Just a few days ago, my best friend from elementary school emailed me. She's now married, bought a house with her husband, blahblah. I'm not even close to thinking about getting married. Guh. I'm such a big kid. Fuck it. I love being childish and selfish
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