Book Review: Songs of the Humpback Whale by Jodi Picoult

Mar 14, 2013 13:52

I actually finished this book over a week ago, but it's taken me this long to find some time to settle down and review it. It also took me about this long to decide what to read next (The Last Continent by Terry Pratchett fwiw). This is going to be short and sweet because I really don't have the energy to do much else right now.

This story is beautifully told with interconnecting points of view for the same storyline, one told in reverse to the others. A death that occurs near the beginning of the book becomes heartbreakingly sad when you see other characters' perceptions of it. There's a lot of depressing parallels between the mother Jane and daughter Rebecca's respective paths which only make it all the more sad. The storyline of true love here is one that very much affirms the fact that 'the path to true love never runs smooth' and worse - you may find it, but that doesn't necessarily mean you can have or keep it. Considering it is mostly just one storyline that is told from a lot of different point of views, it shouldn't really be as deep as it is. But it is.

books: general, fandom: reviews, author: jodi picoult

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