OKAY THEN. As there's a new episode tonight I should stop delaying my comments on this and stuff. So, here we go. Bullet point ahoy:
* I love where the title came from, haha. That is kind of awesome.
* I also still love Clara Oswald/Oswin Oswald/Clara Oswin Oswald. I find her interesting, I like her spunk, I like that she challenges the Doctor.
* I do not like where contemporary!Clara got her computer smarts from. I'd have rather it be an inherent quality in her, rather than something that had been given to her by the Great Intelligence. Oh well.
* Speaking of the Great Intelligence... I'm assuming another long-term Big Bad ala the Silence. I also like that it's a 2nd Doctor creation brought back to life.
* I also liked the enemy in this one. It was slightly more quiet and more understated... it allowed the new companion to shine and to establish what their relationship is going to be like. However, it reminded me a bit of the Power of Three (something 'established' in our life and suddenly becomes evil) and The Idiot's Lantern (again, established technology, stealing souls etc.) But, just because it's a rehash of prior ideas, it doesn't mean that it's not any good.
I think that's all I have to say for now? Apart from the fact that I'm very interested into where Clara will be. She's like the new Rory in terms of dying with added complication! Not really, but still...