If you listen closely, you can almost hear my fingers creaking on the keyboard

Nov 06, 2009 22:42

Heh. You know you really don't care about any of this, but you will click anyway.


1.) What is your salad dressing of choice?
I'm kinda anti-veggie, but if I had to eat greens I'd put something fruity like a nice raspberry vinaigrette on it.

2.) What is your favorite sit-down restaurant?
I really dug Cuba Libre in Philly. Here in Phoenix...for atmosphere, I love Macayo's Depot Cantina. For food, it's a toss-up between a few places.

3.) What food could you eat every day for two weeks and not get sick of?
Good ol' pb&j - my childhood staple

4.) What are your pizza toppings of choice?
Ham and pineapple or sausage and extra sauce

5.) What do you like to put on your toast?
Apple Butter - best stuff ever or margarine, cinnamon and sugar

1.) How many televisions are in your house?
Ummm...(runs to count)...3

2.) What color mobile phone do you have?
Silver and navy blue. Alas, my poor phone is dying. I'm going to need to get a new one soon.

3.) How many computers are in your house?
2 - mine and the boy's

4.) Have any idea how many megahertz your computer has?
Heh, not enough.


1.) Are you right- or left-handed?
Southpaw, FTW

2.) Have you ever had anything removed from your body?
Forcibly removed? Only one tooth. Accidentally removed? A lot of blood, some skin, some hair and a couple of toenails.

3.) What is the last heavy item you lifted?
I don't lift heavy things anymore. That's what I have a husband for. :D

4.) Have you ever been knocked unconscious?
No, but I have fallen unconscious.

1.) If it were possible, would you want to know the day you were going to die?
No, I'd prefer to keep going right up until the moment it happened. I don't want to just sit around and wait for death walk up.

2.) If you could change your name, what would you change it to?
Princess Angelina Contessa Luisa Francesca Banana-fana-fo-fesca, the thirrrrrd. (Not really, I like my name)

3.) Would you drink an entire bottle of hot sauce for £1000?
Why would anyone drink an entire bottle of hot sauce? Who would do that to their stomach lining?

1.) How many pairs of flip flops do you own?
0, I can't stand having something between my toes.

2.) Last time you had a run-in with the police?
Speeding on the way to renfaire about 2 years ago when the cop pulled up beside me and lifted his eyebrow to tell me to slow down or he'd pull me over. (It was a very expressive eyebrow.)

3.) Last person you talked to?
lovehonorlife just before he laid down for a nap.

4.) Last person you hugged?

1.) Season?
Fall! In Michigan, it means red noses, pretty leaves and comfy sweaters. In Arizona, it means "Thank you, Jesus! The heat has finally broken!"

2.) Holiday?

3.) Day of the week?
I've always been partial to Sundays and Wednesdays

4.) Month?
August ('cause of my birthday)

1.) Missing someone?
No, not really

2.) Mood?

3.) What are you listening to?
vebelfetzer streaming "Long Gunmen Required" by Matt Elliot on her Sweatshop on Ustream

4.) Watching?
Same thing.

1.) First place you went this morning?
The bathroom, as always.

2.) What's the last movie you saw?
Where the Wild Things Are - it was amazing. If you haven't seen it, you must.

3.) Do you smile often?
Not as much as I used to, and that makes me sad.

1.) Do you always answer your phone?
Anyone who knows me knows the answer is no.

2.) It's 4 in the morning and you get a text message; who is it from?
I don't get 4am text messages, and if I did, I'd probably poke that person in the eye the next time I saw them.

3.) If you could change your eye color, what would it be?
Any, at least temporarily. Probably violet for the long haul.

4.) What flavor do you add to your drink at Sonic?
I don't really go to Sonic.

5.) Do you own a digital camera?

6.) Have you ever had a pet fish?
I have had many pet fish. They went a long way towards nourishing my roses as a child.

7.) Favorite Christmas song(s)?
O Holy Night.

8.) What's on your wish list for your birthday?
My birthday is past. I'm not thinking wish list for another 6-7 months at least.

9.) Can you do pushups?

10.) Can you do a chin up?
I'd be surprised if I could.

11.) Does the future make you more nervous or excited?
Excited. I'm not really the nervous type.

12.) Do you have any saved texts?
Most of them.

13.) Ever been in a car wreck?
A few.

14.) Do you have an accent?
Nah, eh.

15.) What is the last song to make you cry?
Song? I really don't know.

16.) Plans tonight?
I am so friggin #LOFNOTC tonight it's not even funny.

17.) Have you ever felt like you hit rock bottom?
Yes, twice actually. Amusingly enough, both times were already on the upswing.

18.) Name three things you bought yesterday:
I didn't leave the house yesterday (sick), so I didn't buy anything.

19.) Have you ever been given roses?
Yes, *dreamy sigh*

20.) Current worry?
Worries, none. Irritation, my skin.

21.) Current hate right now?
I don't bother with that.

22.) Met someone who changed your life?
Many times.

23.) How will you bring in the new year?
I'd love to with the boy, but alas, he will have to work that night. In other words, no idea.

24.) What song represents you?
Mmm...too much thinking required. I'm getting bored with this.

25.) Name three people who might complete this:

26.) Would you go back in time if you were given the chance?
Yes, I'd like to view events from outside of them.

27.) Have you ever dated someone longer than a year?

28.) Does someone love you?
So he says.

29.) Ever had someone sing to you?
lol! yes.

30.) When did you last cry?
In the movie theater watching Where the Wild Things Are.

31.) Do you like to cuddle?
Surprisingly, yes.

32.) Have you held hands with anyone today?
No. We haven't held hands today.

33.) Are most of the friends in your life new or old?
Newish. People tend to flow in and out of my life.

34.) Do you like pulpy orange juice?
Blech. Strain it, please.

35.) Where do you see yourself in five years?
Hopefully not in Arizona.
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