10 Favorites..........
Favorite Color: mauve?
Favorite Food: nectarines
Favorite Song: so many. right now "rockabye" by ani difranco
Favorite Movie: breakfast at tiffanys
Favorite Sport: well i like the red sox
Favorite Season: summer kind of takes the cake
Favorite Day Of the Week: saturday
Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: raspberry chocolate chip
9 Currents.........
Current Mood: relaxed
Current Taste: POCKY'S!
Current Clothes: jeans, red tanktop with birds on it, HOT EYELINER A LA TRUDIE AND MARIA
Current Desktop Picture: bohemian rhapsody on festival day
Current Toenail Color: pink
Current Time: 9:26 pm
Current Surroundings: my kitchen, in the comfy swively chair
Current Annoyance(s):bleh my math class
Current Thought: i need to work on painting my room instead of doing this
8 Firsts........
First Best Friend: .cooper, probably
First Kiss: (see above. when we were four years old.)
First Screen Name: satinchocolate44, i believe?
First Pet: rainbows the fish
First Piercing: my ears
First Music: weirdly enough, Diana Ross and the Supremes
First Car: we had an old brown station wagon
7 Lasts.......
Last Cigarette: no
Last Drink: not alcoholic
Last Car Ride: home from wellesley
Last Kiss: i kissed maisie on top of the head today
Last Movie Seen: princess mononoke, this afternoon. the beginning of it
Last Phone call: the lovely miss mary corso
Last CD Played: CD? gina's sleepover mix!
6 Have You Evers......
Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends: nopes
Have You Ever Broken the Law: i've been to lake winthrop after dark. but other than that no
Have You Ever Been Arrested: no
Have You Ever Skinny Dipped: yes i have
Have You Ever Been on TV: holliston cable access tv! oh yes
Have You Ever Kissed Someone You Didn't Know: no
5 Things.....
5 Things You're Wearing: tanktop, jeans, dangly earrings, cozy socks, slippers, hair elastic (?)
5 Things You Did Last Night: made pasta, talked a lot, watched movies, attempted to make up a dance, laughed really hard
5 things You Can Hear Right Now: computery noises, kitty purring (in my lap), crickets, microwave, mom talking on the phone in the other room
5 Things You Can't Live Without: my gloves for when my hands get all weird (lack of circulation), food, friends, music, um clothing?
5 Things You Do When You're bored: listen to music, go on computer, walk in mudville, read, dance
4 Places You've Been To....
1. paris
2. zurich (switzerland)
3. seattle
4. chicago
3 People You Can Tell Anything To...
1. cooper
2. the gangster, silver hands, and big red (they all go as one group, so there)
3. some of my hollistoners
2 Choices..
1. Black or White: like as colors? white
2. Hot or Cold: hot
1 Wish.
eh. i liked josh's answer, a pony.