Jenna blowing out her candles....i watched her make that cake!! lol
Katie and Ricky..after getting out of the hott tub lol
im not sure so dont ask...the lights where off...when i walked in so yeah? im not really sure? lol
*Gasp* jenna kissed me!! DONT TELL NICK ;) haha lol
Jenna and Katie..having a KICK ASS TIME IM THE HOTT TUB!! lol
Marion, Me, Katie and Ricky chillin in the hott tub
this has got to be my fav. pic lol Jenna, Marion(on top lol) Ryan, Amber and me lol
I love the look on marions face!! lol haha jenna is squishing her! lol
Jenna and I..EW i had a bad hair day lol but jenna looks pretty! lol