does anbody have a bad cough? if any of you do, go see the dr and get tested for pro-cus-es i had it for a while and its contagious so if any one has it im sorry, just wanted to say that
no see, i had it and it was very contagious, all im saying is if it isnt gone in a week or it sounds realy bad, go see a doctor and tell them one of your friends had pro-cus-es i dont know the spelling but thats what it sounds like, if you have it you cant travel unless your on antibiotics i think, im not sure, but it can get bad, so catch it early
just if its been for a while or its bad go seee dr
Comments 3
i dont know the spelling but thats what it sounds like, if you have it you cant travel unless your on antibiotics i think, im not sure, but it can get bad, so catch it early
just if its been for a while or its bad go seee dr
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