(no subject)

May 06, 2008 17:15

The rules are: Once you have been tagged, you must write a blog with ten weird, random things, little known facts and odd habits about yourself. At the end you'll choose ten people to be tagged. List their names and why you chose them. Don't forget to leave a comment that says "you are tagged" and tell them to read your latest blog.

My List:
  1. I sit on an exercise ball instead of an office chair. I've been doing this for years and it burns a lot of calories and strengthens my core muscles while I do it instead of sitting in a chair where you're doing nothing for your physical health.
  2. I only have 3 foods that I know I don't like that I've tried: white rice, popcorn, and tofu.
  3. I've been in 35 weddings as of today. That means I've averaged more than 1 a year since I was born, or more than 3 a year over the past decade. That doesn't include simply weddings I've been to... it's weddings where I've had an active role. I've done everything that doesn't require me to say "man and wife", walk away married, or wear a dress.
  4. I learned how to play spoons, jug, and washboard when I was in music class in Lockhart, South Carolina.
  5. My first choice in drink of any kind is Diet Dr. Pepper. My first choice in food is "anything that I didn't eat in the last 4 meals."
  6. I don't repeat eating anything on a menu at at a restaurant until I've tried everything on the menu at least once.
  7. I literally forgot how to spell my middle name while I was in Junior High because I used it so little. I had to find my birth certificate to find out how it was spelled because I was too embarrassed to ask my mom.
  8. The oldest thing I own is a trombone that my great uncle played in the World War I army band.
  9. I used to be scared of the ball when I started playing baseball in high school, so I decided to be a catcher. I figured that either I would get over my fear of the ball or get a concussion and have a reason not to play anymore.
  10. The first piece of music I wrote was called "The Fox Hunt" and was for intermediate piano. I debuted it at a piano recital when I was in 3rd or 4th grade. I can still fumble through it on the piano, but don't because it's not very good.

saintdave22, trixieskips, casanicci, popsbabypenguin, kairosvoice, katjabee, itsjames2u, jennyp5309, lamerrill, and barbaragary


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