Title: Fielding Trouble Fandoms: E.R./X-Men Movieverse - Allegiance 'verse Characters: Scott, Ray, Scott/Jean Wordcount: ~480 words Summary: Scott still remembers the first time Ray came home from college. AN: For scribble_myname.
Ooooooooh! I love it. The perspective is perfect and really helps me feel all the tension of the moment. And the little details: one graceful motion like a movie star, the school's three-headed menace was reunited, Stop it. He's too young for her. There's just so much packed into this punch. Love it! (and now, I should go write up the three holiday fics I'm behind on) Ciao!
Thank you! (and good luck with the fics!) I'm glad that you liked it, because this one gave me trouble for some reason. It was fun to write Scott's POV, though.
You know, if this had been me writing this ficlet, I think I would have called it "Precipice" (don't laugh), because I feel like the Ray you describe here is standing right on the cliff's edge of leaving the X-Men, and it's so palpable that Scott even recognizes it, even if he doesn't know what it is yet. And it's interesting that what makes Scott see it is the juxtaposition of ever-so-familiar body language on a stranger's body. It's a great little prequel interlude to your big fic you wrote a while back.
It was fun to write Scott, because he's so perceptive. But I think there are a lot of things about Ray that Scott doesn't understand, partly because he doesn't have all the information, but also partly because leaving the X-Men is just something Scott himself would never do.
Comments 4
I like that title suggestion. :)
It was fun to write Scott, because he's so perceptive. But I think there are a lot of things about Ray that Scott doesn't understand, partly because he doesn't have all the information, but also partly because leaving the X-Men is just something Scott himself would never do.
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