Title: The Danger Of The Early Morning Hours
Characters: Casey, Casey/Larkin
Rating: Adult
Spoilers: none
Author’s Note: This is for
usakeh, who expressed an interest in this pairing. Thanks for the lovely LJ gift. Made me happy this morning (and reminded me of this ficlet I meant to write for you!). I hope you’re doing well.
Casey woke with a start, chest heaving, hands fisting the sheets.
This night, it was Larkin of all people, and he couldn’t stop picturing his large eyes, ruffled hair... tight ass and God so much skin...
But he wouldn’t. John stared at the ceiling and growled, trying to conjure up pictures of women, Ilsa, Carina, Jenna Jameson. He wouldn’t.
Fantasy-Larkin was leaning on a table, turning to look at him expectantly.
Swallowing hard, Casey reached down to grip his cock.
It was late at night. Nobody would ever know. He could go back to making like he was straight tomorrow.