музейные работники

Sep 24, 2014 13:37

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Andy Freeberg - Guardians of Russian Art Museums
"In the art museums of Russia, women sit in the galleries and guard the collections.
When you look at the paintings and sculptures, the presence of the women becomes an inherent part of viewing the artwork itself.
I found the guards as intriguing to observe as the pieces they watch over.
In conversation they told me how much they like being among Russia’s great art.
A woman in Moscow’s State Tretyakov Gallery Museum said she often returns there on her day off to sit in front of a painting that reminds her of her childhood home.
Another guard travels three hours each day to work, since at home she would just sit on her porch and complain about her illnesses, “as old women do.”
She would rather be at the museum enjoying the people watching, surrounded by the history of her country."


Ирина Розовки - "This Russia" (три кадра)

"In the summer of 2008, I returned to Russia for the first time since my family left exactly twenty years before. As the plane began its descent and Moscow’s boulevards became visible below, I remembered an idea that gripped me as a child: growing up in a suburban New England town, I questioned if my American existence was nothing more than the elongated dream of a seven-year-old girl left napping in her grandmother’s apartment in Moscow. I entertained that at any moment I just might wake up, in that darkened room with its blue wallpaper, and everything would be back to where we left off, as if my family’s immigration and everything since, never happened. As life took root here, this vision eventually faded and Russia became a distant, miniature landscape on the face of a lacquered box, a place in books, old photographs and in my parents’ stories. The summer I returned, Moscow was wrapped in a haze that rose like a mirage. Stepping into the heat and looking around, I began to rub two decades of sleep from my eyes." -Irina Rozovsky


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Lucia Ganieva - Ermitazhniki

"The museum Hermitage in St. Petersburg is the largest museum in the world. In summer thousands of visitors come to see the collection every day.
For me not only the objects of art and the building were interesting, but also the people working there, in particular the ladies that were working as guards in the exhibition spaces.
A number of them have been working there for many years and can tell you everything about the paintings and sculptures and other objects, that are displayed in the spaces where they work.
In the summer of 2006 I have started to make a series of portraits of these ladies.
I came to the idea to choose with each portrait a painting from the enormous museum collection, which in one way or another interacts with the portrayed person.
I came back a second time in the summer of 2007 to complete my project.
I consider this series to be a tribute to these silent workers and by portraying them I want to bring them out of anonymity."


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