"подглядывать" в окна

Oct 26, 2014 00:18

три варианта.

1. знакомиться лично.
предупреждать о съёмке.
караулить кадр целый день.

Gail Albert Halaban - Out of my window (2006-2012)


2. не знакомиться лично.
предупреждать о съёмке.

Shizuka Yokomizo - Stranger series 1998-2000

"Dear Stranger, I am an artist working on a photographic project which involves people I do not know…I would like to take a photograph of you standing in your front room from the street in the evening. A camera will be set outside the window on the street. If you do not mind being photographed, please stand in the room and look into the camera through the window for 10 minutes on __-__-__ (date and time)…I will take your picture and then leave…we will remain strangers to each other…If you do not want to get involved, please simply draw your curtains to show your refusal…I really hope to see you from the window."

Shizuka Yokomizo, Stranger No. 1, 1998, C-print, 50 in. x 42 1/2 in.

мёртвый сайт http://www.shizukayokomizo.com/#
чуть-чуть фб: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.351189048302324&type=3&__tn__=-UC-R

3. не знакомиться лично.
не предупреждать.

но и лиц не показывать.
хотя судиться всё равно будет надо. успешно.

Arne Svenson - The Neighbors, 2012

здесь хорошо: https://www.intimate-structures.com/stories/arne-svenson/


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