NEED HELP! do you have/know any download link for YanYanJump old episodes? eng sub if you can but raws are fine too please tell me if you do thank you :D
hi, your privacy settings didn't let me reply to your PM, so i'll answer here.
i use Aegisub for subbing, though i don't do karaoke subbing, so i don't know if i'll be able to help you with that. but with Aegisub, it's very easy to move the text. you'll see this little icon on the side of the video that looks like a cross with arrows on it and you'll be able to drag the text to wherever you want. after that, you'll see in the text box that there are coordinates for where on the video the text is, and you can adjust those numbers to change the position as well.
you can change your messaging setting by going to Profile, then click on Edit Profile, scroll down to Contact Info, and then where it says "LJ User Messaging", it should say Receive Messages From, and then set it to Registered Users. that way, people will be able to send private messages to you and reply back to your PMs.
Comments 3
i use Aegisub for subbing, though i don't do karaoke subbing, so i don't know if i'll be able to help you with that. but with Aegisub, it's very easy to move the text. you'll see this little icon on the side of the video that looks like a cross with arrows on it and you'll be able to drag the text to wherever you want. after that, you'll see in the text box that there are coordinates for where on the video the text is, and you can adjust those numbers to change the position as well.
i;ve changed the settings thanks for telling mee^^
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