Vampire's Blood Bond to Humans

Apr 04, 2011 21:40

This has recently come up in a RP I'm in (guess who I play. Go on, just guess) and since I haven't read all the books and the TB wikia is absolute shit for these details, I bring the questions to you guys. Much as I'd like to pretend I'm the expert of the fandom (and since, for the longest time, I was the only TB character in the game, hence dubbed ( Read more... )


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Comments 15

donna_c_punk April 5 2011, 01:46:17 UTC
2, How do they manage the influx of emotions and knowing the locations of the humans at all times (ie, are they able to tune it out)?

I just finished Dead in the Family, and Sookie had to deal with the feelings of not only Eric but two other vampires connected to him. It became so overwhemling, it affected her own emotional status. She was able to work on tuning it out/toning it down after a while though. But a surge of strong emotions from just any of the three vampires would set it off again.

3. If the vampire wanted to break that blood bond, their death being the obvious exception, how would they?

4. I'm leaning towards it being similar to a bond between a Maker and childe. The whole "As your Maker, I release you" thing. Is there something like that for a vampire's bond to a human?

I know for sure this has come up but Harris hasn't given any information on it. In DITF, Amelia and Sookie were talking about it in regards to Sookie/Eric. At this point, IMHO, it's up to the players of the game how they want to proceed.


yunafire April 5 2011, 01:52:26 UTC
I'm guessing Sookie's able to detect those other emotions only because of her telepathy, correct? Also, vampires being bonded to other vampires. That's news to me.

At this point, IMHO, it's up to the players of the game how they want to proceed.
It's not so much any of the characters want to break it off, but I've had both ask me how/if its even possible. So I became curious about it as well. Damn this vague canon! *shakes fist*

I'm eagerly awaiting the blu ray release of S3 just for the character history of Franklin. I mean, they gave Malcolm a history for goodness sake!


donna_c_punk April 5 2011, 01:59:10 UTC
Her telepathy is useless with the vampires, though. And as to the bonded part, Eric wasn't bonded to them in the way Sookie's bonded to Eric. He was picking up their emotions through his own maker/sibling connection with the other two and it filtered over to Sooke through him.

It's not so much any of the characters want to break it off, but I've had both ask me how/if its even possible.

As far as Harris is concerned, it seems like something she's planning to touch on. If it's going to be in Dead Reckoning or some book beyond ... who knows! Right now, it's make it up how ever you like, even if you don't plan to separate characters.


oshunanat April 5 2011, 01:52:36 UTC
1. I'd guess yes based on Bill: he's got both Sookie and Sam bonded to him.

I'm not an expert though either, so YMMV :)


yunafire April 5 2011, 01:54:19 UTC
Durr. I totally forgot about that. :|


oshunanat April 5 2011, 02:07:16 UTC
lol. it's all good. :)

Where do you play Franklin? I've been playing on twitter but would like to play in an LJ-based game.


yunafire April 5 2011, 02:21:04 UTC
lastvoyages. We just recently got a Talbot there, but they're... not as active. Mun worries about voice, has other characters, what have you.

For a while after Season 2 ended, we had nearly the whole cast: Sam, Sookie, Eric, Bill (played by the one who is now our Talbot) and Jessica (aka me!) But they slowly all drifted away.

I'd totally love some castmates though! Applications are open this week, too! *hinthintnudgenudge*


karie22 April 5 2011, 02:09:51 UTC
I think I remember something in the books about how Eric could choose to throw up a block... like if he were being tortured, he could block the bond so that Sookie wouldn't be forced to suffer with him.

Or possibly I read that in a fanfic and I'm confusing it with the books. It's been a while since I read them all. Anyone able to clarify this?


elfinobsession April 5 2011, 06:39:39 UTC

(The comment has been removed)

yunafire April 5 2011, 02:17:12 UTC
Regarding Bill with Sookie/Sam, they just had his blood. It wasn't a full bonding.

You mean there's a difference? From the show and first book, it seemed to imply that if a human had enough of a vampire's blood (ie, being brought back from death) then they formed a bond. Dreams and the feelings thing happened.

Sookie can feel Eric's emotions when he's close to her because they're bonded
That brings up a another point. I thought the vampire could sense the human's emotions but not the other way around. Like a one-sided mirror deal.


gowdie April 5 2011, 03:38:07 UTC
Adding details to clear up any confusion ( ... )


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