Name: Laura
We respect the LJ code. Are you over 13?: Yes.
Five positive adjectives to describe yourself: Compassionate, forgiving, optimistic, friendly, independent
Five negative adjectives to describe yourself: Naive, sarcastic, shy (at times), codependent (yes, i am both independent and codependent), cautious
Your hobbies/interests: I'm an actress, so I do that a lot. I also dance, cook/bake, and watch a lot of movies and tv shows.
Your strengths: I'm a very positive person. I'm typically the one people come to when they need to vent or need a shoulder to cry on. I'm very good with kids, and have enthusiasm (or am able to fake it) in everything. I get along with most everyone I meet.
Your weaknesses: I'm very cautious. I rarely take risks because I don't want to face the consequences should something go wrong. I'm positive to the point where people think I don't acknowledge the negative. I do, I just transform that negativity into energy and be productive instead.
What do people like most about you?: My bff has said that I'm very easy to talk to. I don't judge, or I try not to, at least. I'm a good listener, and offer advice when it's asked for. I'm positive, and a good person to have when things turn to shit.
Goals/aims for the future: Act, for as long as I'm able to. I also want to (and do) a lot of volunteer work, and hope to continue that into the future. I hope to one day win a Golden Globe and start my own charity. Not sure what for, yet.
Favourite quote/lyrics/phrase and why?: I have two.
1. "There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness."
- Friedrich Nietzsche
With love, you just have to jump in. There should be no hesitating, no questioning. You're either in or you're out. Let the madness take over.
2. "If one loves, one loves the whole person as he or she is, and not as one might wish them to be."
- Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy
I'm very big on accepting people for who they are. You can't change them - you can only change yourself and your views of them.
Animal: Whale. Specifically Beluga Whales.
Book: The Never-Ending Story. and Gone With The Wind. and Breakfast At Tiffany's.
Food: Stuffing. Thanksgiving food is my weakness.
Movies: Gone With The Wind, Breakfast At Tiffany's, Casablanca, Stand By Me, A Little Princess. Top 5, in order. :]
Music: I listen to everything except music where people are just shouting at me. My favorite artists are Elvis Presley, Buddy Holly, and The Beatles.
This or That
Leader or Follower: I'm a leader when I have to be, and a follower when someone else can do it better.
Optimistic or Pessimistic: Optimistic.
Mature or Immature: Mature.
Pleasure or Sacrifice: I don't mind sacrificing if it'll make someone else happy.
Confident or Shy: I'm both. I'm very confident, but I don't push it in people's faces. I love me and who I am, but in public I tend to be a bit quiet unless I know the people I'm around.
Selfless or Selfish: Selfless. My mom always said "You're alive, you're healthy, you have food, and you have a roof over your head. Help someone else have the same."
Introverted or Extroverted: I'm extroverted with positive emotions, and introverted with negative ones.
Rule or Be Ruled: I don't mind being ruled, as long as it makes sense. I don't blindly follow orders, but if they make sense, I won't fight it.
True Blood
Favourite character and why?: Pam. She's so fierce and strong and very loyal. Plus she has awesome shoes. Lafayette is a close second. Eric as well.
Least favourite character and why?: Bill (lol, almost typed Beel). He is not honest with Sookie, and that's a big no in my book.
Anything else you'd like to add?: Hm…nope. This is fun. :]
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