i think you're crazy。| jungmin/hyungjoon, slight kyujong/youngsaeng and hinted hyunjoong/hyungjoon。| pg-13。
in which jungmin proves that he might be slightly crazy, but not as crazy as the world。
三1,112 words。
note: for
mskatness, from my small request post
here. not that it's anything like what she wanted, or anything.
rain slammed against the windowpanes, the wind making them howl with the force of a small hurricane. it was enough to keep the two soul owners of the apartment snuggled up in the living room where the television was blasting the latest variety show with the usual array of annoying sound and special effects.
"would you risk your life for the one you love?" hyungjoon asked, pulling his knees up to his chest and roping his arms around them. he rested his chin on his knees and eyed jungmin with an innocent look. the aspiring songwriter was always so naive to think he could get anywhere by borrowing money and working in a grocery store. jungmin continued to flip though the magazine in his hands, appreciating the design on a woman's coat before moving on to the next page.
"nope," he replied. "i'm not crazy."
hyungjoon cackled to himself and got up from the couch. "are you sure about that?" jungmin threw the magazine and smacked hyungjoon in the back of the head as he tried to make his escape.
the next day, jungmin came home to hyunjoong's debt collectors surrounding hyungjoon with guns in the living room. in the half a second before the goon pulled the trigger, jungmin launched himself across the room and shielded hyungjoon from the bullet. hyungjoon was still screaming when jungmin slammed him in between the coffee table and the floor, his knees on either side of him and sinking into the soft wet carpet. his hands gripped the ends of the table.
the carpet was stained with something red, and it took a minute for him to sense that it was his own blood, and that the screams were his own, not hyungjoon's. it took him another minute to realize that someone was talking, that hyungjoon's terrified face was swimming in front of his face, that he loved him.
"run, you idiot," he whispered, falling against his body like a log.
he could hear scuffling as he was falling into the oblivion of darkness. right before he lost all consciousness, jungmin realized that he was definitely crazy after all.
when one returns from darkness, it doesn't become white completely. first there is a moment of gray, where one wonders, "where the fuck am i?" and then that slowly turns to whiteness as your questions are answered. in jungmin's case, the question "where am i" was followed quickly by white walls and machines hooked up to his body everywhere. the second, was "where the hell is hyungjoon?" and that was far more tricky to answer.
his nurse entered shortly after he awoke, a man named kyujong.
"welcome back," the man said with a wide smile. "we were wondering if you'd ever wake up."
jungmin sat up, wondering why it was so difficult to do so. "it's been a while, but you have a guest."
hyunjoong walked in a moment later, all blazing smiles and white teeth flashing. they met with a kiss, and a long hug, and when they pulled away, there was a lingering scent of fresh apples in the air.
"thank you for saving me," hyungjoon said, beaming, although somehow it seemed awkward. "you've been here for a while."
jungmin examined hyungjoon from his place on the bed. his hair had changed a bit, as did his body. he was wearing different clothes than he usually did, which worried him a bit. "how long, exactly?"
hyungjoon dropped his gaze to the floor, staring at the grossly squared pattern. "about five years, i think." jungmin choked on his tongue.
"five years?" jungmin repeated, his heart thumping in his chest. he reached into his hospital gown and searched for proof that he had been shot--and found nothing but a circular scar that had healed long ago. "oh my god," he gasped, closing his eyes and opening them in disbelief.
"i'm sorry," hyungjoon whispered. "it's my fault."
jungmin's eyes flew to hyungjoon. how much had he changed? how did he still love him? did he just hold on, day after day, for him to wake up and be happy? were they even together still? "what happend with that?"
hyungjoon gave him a pained smile. "i just gave him what he wanted."
there was a heavy silence as jungmin digested "what hyunjoong had wanted". he took in a deep breath. "anything else i need to know about? kids? a family? any of that?"
"no," hyungjoon said, voice hard. "i've waited five years for you to wake up." jungmin wanted to laugh. hyungjoon grabbed his hand. "and i'd wait even more. you saved me, didn't you?" he gave him that crooked shy smile.
jungmin took another deep breath. "and? what else happened?" he asked, holding his breath.
"kyujong and youngsaeng adopted a kid." jungmin choked again.
"wasn't kyujong having affairs with hyunjoong?"
"only to get money from him," hyungjoon said.
jungmin glanced down to the warm hand in his own and felt a sense of something similar. just like the other night on the couch, (other year, he told himself) hyungjoon was still warm like a candle glow. he might not believe his story yet about how much time had passed, but he also knew that hyungjoon never lied.
"i don't know what to believe," jungmin frowned. "i'm expecting you to burst out laughing and say that you were just joking any second now."
"i know i'm kind of crazy but i'm not that crazy," hyungjoon smiled. "unlike you, who'd jump in front of a bullet for me."
jungmin smacked him with his pillow. "don't make me regret it."
hyungjoon leaned forward, their fingers still tied together in jungmin's lap. his other hand pressed down at the mattress as he found jungmin's lips. it felt like home, because no matter how many times he tried to kiss him when he was sleeping and hope that he'd wake up like in all those fairy tales such as sleeping beauty and snow white, jungmin never woke up.
but now he was here, and his lips were soft and his hair tickled his nose softly. as his eyelashes fluttered closed they brushed his cheeks, and it was marvelous, and beautiful. it reminded him of everything he was afraid he'd forget during the past five years of constant night with hyunjoong to make up for everything he'd borrowed and been unable to pay back.
but now all debt was repayed, and although they'd end up staying at kyujong and youngsaeng's as they found a new apartment because hyunjoong destroyed the last one (something he had yet to tell jungmin) he still had jungmin, and that was all that mattered. jungmin didn't need to know anything else.